A student of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology receives the main prize in the category of Life Sciences and Energy.
Student Nobel is a nationwide competition organized since 2009 by the Independent Student Association. Its aim is to distinguish the most talented students, who have scientific, artistic or social successes. This year, the awards were given in nine categories: Technical Sciences, Arts, Journalism and Literature, Life Sciences and Energy, Physics and Astronomy, Medicine and Pharmacy, Social Sciences, Economic Sciences and Social Activities.
Aleksandra Bandzerewicz, who is a student of chemical technology at the WUT, is the winner in the category of Natural Sciences and Energy.
Her research concerns the obtaining and testing of new polymeric biomaterials for medical applications, in particular for the reconstruction of damaged tissues and organs.
Currently, Aleksandra is involved in the project "Biomimetic, biodegradable cell substrates for differentiation of stem cells towards osteoblasts and chondrocytes" (SteamScaf), financed under the Excellence Initiative – Research University program implemented at the WUT. In addition, as a volunteer, she participates in projects concerning porous biodegradable implants for the regeneration of spongy bone and elastic patches for the treatment of diabetic foot.
Our student is also a co-author of several scientific articles and patent applications. She actively participates in national and international conferences. She won the first place in the competition for the best poster during the 25th Scientific Conference "Polymer Modification" and the distinction in the nationwide competition "Gold Medal of Chemistry 2021" for the best bachelor's/engineering thesis.
Aleksandra is a scholarship holder of the Minister of Education and Science (2021/2022) and the Student Scholarship of the Marshal of the Lublin Voivodeship (2021/2022).
She develops her scientific interests in the BoneReg team, led by Agnieszka Gadomska-Gajadhur, PhD. The team received the award: Symbol of Synergy of Science and Business 2021.
– My plans concern research into the possibility of vascular reconstruction – says our freshly minted Student Nobel Prize winner.
We learned the results of the competition on June 3, 2022 during the final gala. The full list of winners can be found on Facebook