Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education

WUT researchers among the distinguished recipients

During this year's Polish Science Gala, traditionally held on February 19 – Polish Science Day – outstanding members of the scientific community were honoured with the Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education. These prestigious awards recognize achievements in scientific, educational, implementation, and organizational activities, as well as overall contributions to Polish science. Among the distinguished recipients were researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

This year, 150 individuals were recognized for their contributions to the advancement of Polish science and education. The awards were granted in five categories:

  •     20 awards for overall achievements,
  •     33 awards for significant achievements in research activities,
  •     4 awards for significant achievements in educational,
  •     6 awards for significant achievements in implementation,
  •     2 awards for significant achievements in organizational activities.

WUT Award Recipients

Among the laureates were researchers from WUT, recognized for their outstanding contributions: A team from the Chair of Chemical Technology at the Faculty of Chemistry, including Krzysztof Schmidt-Szałowski, PhD, university professor (1930-2023), Prof. Krzysztof Krawczyk, Jan Petryk, PhD, Jan Sentek, PhD,  and Ewa Iwanek, PhD, were honored with the Award for Significant Achievements in Educational Activities. They were recognized for their publication:

Basic and Advanced Calculations for the Solution of Problems in the Chemical Industry

Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for WUT researchers

A team Award for Significant Achievements in Scientific Activities was granted to Prof. Janina Kotus, PhD,  from the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science, in collaboration with Prof. Mariusz Urbański, PhD, from the University of North Texas. Their award-winning research was based on two monographs published by Cambridge University Press: Meromorphic Dynamics. Abstract Ergodic Theory, Geometry, Graph Directed Markov Systems, and Conformal Measures and Meromorphic Dynamics. Elliptic Functions with an Introduction to the Dynamics of Meromorphic Functions.

Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for WUT researchers

This year's gala was held in Toruń at The Cultural and Congress Centre Jordanki. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education organized the gala in cooperation with Nicolaus Copernicus University. In previous years, the gala was hosted by Nicolaus Copernicus University (in 2020 and 2023) and the Warsaw University of Technology (2024).

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