Functioning of WUT during the COVID-19 epidemic, update: 29 March
Opublikowano: 18/11/2021 4:32 pm
Functioning of the Warsaw University of Technology during the COVID-19 epidemic is regulated by the Rector’s Regulation no. 110/2021 with the changes introduced by the Rector's Regulation No. 25/2022. The recommendations were included in the Rector's Notice No. 2/2022.
Key information, regulations and guidelines
Safety regulations
Unit heads are obliged to:
place alcohol-based hand disinfectants in each classroom and at stands for providing services to students, doctoral students and persons from outside,
provide disinfection (after each use) of stationery at stands for providing services to students, doctoral students and persons from outside,
post hand washing instructions in sanitary facilities and keep sanitary facilities clean.
Persons teaching classes to students and doctoral students are obliged to:
air the classrooms after each class.
The main users of WUT buildings are obliged to:
place disinfectants along with relevant information (in Polish and English) at the entrances to buildings,
have university buildings, classrooms, air conditioning units, sanitary facilities and frequently touched surfaces (handrails, dinner tables, sports equipment, door and window handles, elevator buttons, teaching aids, etc.) cleaned and disinfected,
create or update emergency contact lists and place them near first aid kits,
secure a suitable room for temporary isolation of people.
Recommendations related to maintaining safety
The members of the academic community of the Warsaw University of Technology are recommended to:
wear masks if they are in rooms where there is a large number of people and there is a reasonable risk of infection, especially in case of exhibiting symptoms such as cold, cough or fever (in such case, there is a recommendation to contact a physician immediately).
disinfect hands using the liquids and devices available on the University premises.
Classes can be taught remotely in case of large lecture and seminar groups.
In justified cases, the Rector may take the decision on the remote blended or fully remote mode of conducting classes.
The head of the basic organizational unit (i.e. Faculty Dean or College Director) is responsible for the teaching conditions.
Events and visits
Cultural, entertainment, integration and scientific events (i.e. concerts, conferences, trainings etc.) at the Warsaw University of Technology may be organized face-to-face, subject to applicable laws and safety rules, upon prior notification of the Rector.
Work organisation
Staff members work on site, following the relevant safety regulations.
In individual, duly justified cases, remote work may be introduced for an employee. The decision is taken by:
the unit head (in case of staff of a basic or university-wide organizational unit),
Vice-Rector for General Affairs, Chancellor or Bursar (in case of central administration organisational units reporting to the Rector, Chancellor or Bursar, respectively),
Vice-Rector for Branch in Płock (in case of staff members of the Branch in Płock).