WUT graduate succeeds in the SARP competition

Selected boards from the project of Cezary Kępka, MSc Eng, Arch.

Selected boards from the project of Cezary Kępka, MSc Eng, Arch., photo. SARP

The Jury of the Zbyszek Zawistowski's SARP Award of the Year appreciated the work of Cezary Kępka, MSc Eng, Arch., a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The work entitled "The Potential of Floating Architecture in the Development of Quays in Large Cities. Recreation Swimming Pool Design with a Passenger Harbor on the Vistula River in Warsaw" - was awarded the second-degree honorable mention. As indicated by the organizers, the project is of great value due to the inclusion of historical and ecological themes.

The award was granted for drawing attention to the aspect of the coexistence of the city and the river. The work accurately identifies the possibilities of using Czerniakowski Cape and its space for the functioning of facilities such as a restaurant, hotel, and a swimming pool, restoring the river to the city. The author also took into account the issue of the carbon footprint associated with the construction and operation of the facility. The architectural form deliberately refers to pre-war solutions related to buildings associated with water. The work passionately demonstrates a personal and honest attitude to the subject chosen.

The thesis supervisor of the awarded project was Łukasz Piątek, PhD, Eng. of Architecture.

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