19 winners of the Christmas Grant 2023

Photo of winners of Christmas Grant edition

Winners of this year's Christmas Grant edition

We are delighted that the PW Christmas Grant is getting more and more popular each year, as it is with the funds raised at the event that we can reward our most active students and PhD students.

During this year's edition of the Christmas Grant campaign, more than a hundred applications were received - stories of people who use their time at university very effectively. They achieve scientific, sporting and cultural successes, promote our University, share the knowledge they have gained and act socially, helping others.

The choice was extremely difficult, so we hope that next year the group of laureates will be even larger. This year, there are 19.

Winners of the Christmas Grant 2023

Rafał Baczewski

Student at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. Since the beginning of his studies, he has been active in the Student Astronautical Research Group. Leads a robotics team with which he has repeatedly participated in Mars rover competitions.

Enjoys reading, playing on his disintegrating laptop and skating. He always tries to make those around him laugh.

Dominik Baraniecki

PhD student from the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, working for three years in the team of the Printed Electronics, Textronics and Assembly Department of the Centre for Advanced Materials and Technologies CEZAMAT PW. Winner of the 1st degree Team Award of the Rector of the PW for scientific achievements. In 2022, together with Tomasz Raczyński and Piotr Walter, he became the winner of the James Dyson Award competition for the SmartHEAL project - an intelligent dressing for chronic wounds.

He likes to spend his free time with close friends and acquaintances. He is interested in card games and RPGs.

Mikołaj Chwojnicki

Student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, popularises knowledge of new technologies in the design of electric and autonomous vehicles. In the years 2021-2023, chairman of the ADek Student Research Group. Currently, leader of the project ,,Autonomous eBuggy", which involves the construction of a full-screen electric car, adapted to the implementation of ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems).

Participant of five scientific grants, representative of the Warsaw University of Technology at the 5th Vision of Development Forum and XXX International Defence Industry Exhibition.

Julia Dasiewicz

Student of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. Since the beginning of her studies, she has been involved in the work of the KOIOT Student Research Group. In 2022, she coordinated the 19th KONIK Fair of Student Research Groups and Student Organisations. Currently, she is the Chairperson of the Student Research Groups Council and is active in the Student Government. 

In her free time, she enjoys crocheting, reading books, mainly fantasy and crime fiction, and playing the piano.

Mikołaj Domagalski

Student at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, he has been involved for years in the activities of the Interfaculty Student Research Group "Smart City". He is implementing projects:  Sierpc 2.0 - a system for intelligent management of municipal waste collection and LIFT - an application supporting the movement of people with special needs. Co-author of scientific publications describing research conducted as part of the projects. In addition, coordinator of the 'Pirate' glider simulator project in the Aviator Student Research Group.

In his spare time, he is a glider and sailing instructor.

Mateusz Drabarek

Student at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering. A long-standing member of the PW Racing Student Research Group, where he supports the team with his knowledge of electronics and currently is also serving as Vice President for Technical Affairs. As one of the drivers of the Formula Student car, he represented the Warsaw University of Technology at competitions in the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Hungary.

In his spare time, he is a fan of motoring, cinematography and DIY.

Mateusz Dryjański

Student of the Faculty of Management, graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. Involved in such projects as the "PW Slide" or the "Noble Parcel". Participant of all charity and sports events at the Warsaw University of Technology. Professionally teaches programming and robotics to young people.

In his free time, he plays board games, runs OCRs (obstacle runs) and tries to learn bar chords on the guitar.

Piotr Falkowski

PhD student and formerly a student at the Faculty of Mechanical Power and Aeronautical Engineering. He is involved in the development of new rehabilitation technologies, including kinesiotherapy robots and small respiratory therapy devices. Along with other members of the pd meds team, he has won the national stage of the James Dyson Award competition.

He has won more than 10 medals at international invention exhibitions and has won two Tech-Athons, the P&G CEO Challenge, and the EY Financial Audit competition.

Dominik Grzęda

PhD student from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, working on formulations of polyurethane foams with enhanced biocompatibility. Outside working hours, a competitive athlete representing the national team in kick-boxing. Current European vice-champion and world championship bronze medallist. Multimedalist in international events, ten-time Polish champion. Active populariser of science.

Wiktoria Kolaszyńska

First-year Master's student at the Faculty of Architecture. Has been active in the WAPW Academic Association for many years, and has been a member of its board since March 2023. She organises lectures "about Architecture", is an educator in the children's activity "Little A", and is a coordinator of the mental health survey "Profession for A".

She loves to seek out new experiences and adventures, so she is keen to get involved in various exchanges and interdisciplinary projects.

Piotr Mazur

Student at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography. Active in the Spatial Management Student Research Group and the "Geoid" Student Research Group. Chairman of the Sports and Tourism Committee of the Students' Government of the Warsaw University of Technology from 2022 to 2023. Together with his team, he organised such events as the Rector's Cup Regatta, the PW Cup, EuroRace, the Central Zero Trip and the PW Slide.

He is active in many organisations outside the University. He competes in cycling, racing short distances and fighting his weaknesses on ultra distances.

Hubert Mucha

Student of the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. As part of his activity in the CIM Student Research Group, he represented the University and the Faculty during Open Doors, the KONIK Fair of Student Research Groups and Student Organisations and other scientific and promotional events. As a volunteer, he was, among other things, a tutor at the Academy of the Future and helped organise events of the John Paul II Thought Centre.

As a hobby and more recently as a professional, he has been involved in 3D printing and conducts, among other things, workshops for young people. He is an instructor and a lover of the game of chess.

Klara Niebuda

Student at the Faculty of Chemistry. Since the beginning of her studies, she has been actively involved in the activities of the "Flogiston" Student Research Group. She popularises science by organising and conducting demonstrations and chemical workshops for children and young people. She represents the Warsaw University of Technology at events such as the Graduates' Salon, Open Doors and Museum Night at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Privately, a lover of flowers and plants. In her free time, she roller skates, reads books and crochets.

Maciej Pikuliński

PhD student from the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, where he develops the use of machine learning methods in robotics, multibody systems and control. He uses his research experience and passion for computer technology in the pd meds project, building medical devices for respiratory rehabilitation. He and the rest of the team won the national stage of the James Dyson Prize competition in 2023 and qualified for the international finals.

When he steps away from the computer, he sits down to play the piano or clarinet, rides his bike and unloads his energy in the squash cage.

Jakub Rejdych

Student at the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering. Since 2021, he has been active in the PW Student Government. In 2022, he coordinated the DKMS Foundation campaign at the Warsaw University of Technology. Wherever possible, he represents his Faculty and the University - at fairs, meetings with employers, Open Days and conferences.

In his everyday life, he is a great fan of Lem's and Dick's books, an avid listener of various music, and an amateur of culinary experiments and brewing.

Natalia Sobolewska

Student of the Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, graduate of the Faculty of Construction Installations, Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Engineering. Active in the Student Research Group of Bioeconomy. Winner of competitions on environmental and sustainability topics: Metropolitan Climathon and Bio-based Innovation Student Challenge Europe. Coordinated, on the part of students, the collection of donations for needy people from Ukraine.

Alicja Sutkowska

Student at the Faculty of Architecture. Winner of the "Bathroom Design 2022" competition, as well as the December Academic Art Review "GAPA" in 2022. She has participated in international architecture workshops in Sheffield, Valencia, Cieszyn, Lisbon and Milan, as well as group exhibitions. She has helped organise architectural workshops for high school students as part of the activities of the Climate Crisis Architecture Student Research Group.

Julia Wilk

Student of robotics and automation at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering. Principal author of the project 'ikoko - a system for monitoring the vital functions of a newborn during sleep to prevent cot death'. The idea was awarded a gold medal at the International Exhibition of Inventions in Geneva, a special award from the National Research Council of Thailand and an honourable mention in the Telemedicine, E-health Services category of the Perspectives in Medicine competition. She will be able to continue working on her project thanks to a recently earned grant from the Talents of Tomorrow competition. Winner of the Student Inventor competition and finalist of the Student Nobel Prize 2023 in the Technical Sciences category.

A great lover of arthouse cinemas and theatre, and a water lifeguard.

Bartosz Zięzio

Student at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering, since the beginning of his studies he has been associated with the SAE AeroDesign Interfaculty Student Research Group. Coordinator of the project to build an Advanced class aircraft for the SAE Aero Design competition held in the United States. President of the Group in the academic year 2022/2023, in which its members stood on the podium of the competition 11 times.

Volunteer in the Podkarpackie Scholarship Programme, in which he teaches mathematics and physics to talented young people from the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.

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