Key highlights of what happened at our University
The year 2019 was marked by a change following the entry into force of the Constitution for Science. This prompted the adoption of the new WUT Charter and the first University Council and Scientific Discipline Councils were appointed. Five Doctoral Schools were also established at the WUT. In addition, representatives of our University were elected to the Council of Scientific Excellence (RDN), a new authority for academic faculty excellence.
Research University
Over the last 12 months, we have worked hard to prepare an application for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education’s “Excellence Initiative – Research University” competition, one of the key projects under the Constitution for Science. Its purpose is to support those universities which have what it takes to successfully compete with the best universities in Europe and the world.
In October, we learned that the Warsaw University of Technology was among the ten competition winners. It was ranked third in the classification together with the Jagiellonian University and the AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, and Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań.
The winners will receive an extra 10% on top of the regular subsidy in 2020 to 2026.
Scientific success
Being part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” program is a great commitment and challenge for all of us at the University. In this context, we are all the more proud of the multiple successful research and scientific contributions of our faculty, students and alumni.
In 2019, the first image of the black hole sparked excitement around the globe. And it was our pride that Maciej Wielgus, PhD, Eng., was among 200 scientists from all over the world who helped achieve that remarkable feat.
We were also delighted to see the progress of Poland’s Hyperloop. This is a project of Hyper Poland, a company set up by engineers associated with the Warsaw University of Technology and employing many of our alumni and students.
We were excited to follow up on the Comixify project for an algorithm that converts videos into comics, developed by a WUT team.
Time after time, we were amazed hearing about the projects of our University scientists: a system to improve the efficient use of high-performance computing; an innovative skin cancer detection solution; graphene infrared radiation shielding; new 3D printing materials; or a mathematics learning support system.
Our award-winning faculty and alumni include proud recipients of awards and honors such as the Promoter of Science Award; Best Paper Award, Archi-World Academy Award, Progress – Pearl of Innovation Award; honorary decoration for Innovation Merit; honorary mention in the innovation competition InNOWacje – #kolej2023; honorary mentions in the competition Innovator of Mazovia; as well as numerous grants and scholarships of the National Centre for Research and Development, Foundation for Polish Science and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The year 2019 had us celebrate twice the success of the BioMat team involved in the manufacturing of a dynamic spongy bone substitute. Scientists of the Faculty of Chemistry were recognized in the Student-Inventor Competition and in the International Exhibition of Innovations.
Student power
Our students continued to impress us with their creativity and hard work. The Robotics Student Research Group scooped awards for their creations, including Melson, a humanoid robot and Selfie, an autonomous car.
The SAE AeroDesign Inter-Faculty Student Research Group took home a bevy of awards from international competitions for students engaged in unmanned aerial vehicle design and construction; the ADek Student Research Group won three awards in the e-Kart Challenge; and the Vehicle Aerodynamics Student Research Group put in a strong performance in Shell Eco-marathon. The WUT SiMRacing Team, in their turn, successfully tested their racing motorcycle.
This was also a great year for the Astronautic Student Research Group. We closely followed the developments around satellite PW-Sat2, congratulated on the honor in the competition “Konstelacje 2018” and celebrated Poland’s record for amateur rocket flight altitude.
The end of the year was deeply satisfying as the e-MaksPower project reached its goal. The students of the ADek Student Research Group, Robotics Student Research Group, Vehicle Aerodynamics Student Research Group and SmartCity Inter-Faculty Student Research Group built an electric race car for 10-year-old Maks, a big fan of automotive suffering from muscular dystrophy.
We were also impressed by other student projects: a “phone lane” for pedestrians and an app allowing players to experience moving around the city in a wheelchair.
The last 12 months have seen a winning streak for representatives of the Warsaw University of Technology in competitions and hackathons. Their achievements include two awards and five honorary mentions in the ninth StRuNa competition; wins in the competitions KOKON, Geospatial Hackathon and Energy HackOn; the second place in the Global Legal Hackathon; the third place in the PekaoCoders, the third place in the Volkswagen Poznań “Be the Best”; and two top places in the Droniada.
The year 2019 witnessed a momentous event at the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science. Our students and faculty and guest high school students visiting the Faculty broke Poland’s record for the longest human representation of the number π. Their representation consisted of 391 digits.
Ranking tops
The Warsaw University of Technology was among the universities with the most applicants last year. According to a report by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, we received the most applications (nearly 46,000) and recorded the highest applicant to place ratio.
The following newly opened courses were the top wanted ones in the admission process at WUT: mathematics and data analytics and cybersecurity.
We performed well in league tables, both in Poland and internationally. The Warsaw University of Technology had been ranked third in the Higher Education University Ranking published by the “Perspektywy” monthly for the third time in the row. Our University was the best for Graduate Employability. Moreover, we were ranked number one 11 times, number two 7 times and number three 5 times in the “Perspektywy” Engineering Degree Program Ranking.
The Warsaw University of Technology moved up to places 521–530 in the QS World University Ranking (previously in the group ranked 601–650) and to the 14th place in the QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Ranking (previously in the 15th place).
Events for everyone
Our University was part of the following events last year: the Science Picnic; Science Festival; and the Long Night of Museums and more.
We co-hosted the “From MICRO to MACRO” Warsaw Family Picnic. We promoted science to kids at the Syrenka Stadium. Our Little Engineer Zone hosted by certain WUT Student Research Groups was a hit with those who came.
We were also involved in the production of the first Winter International Festival of Warsaw. Visitors to the Warsaw University of Technology had an opportunity to explore the International Christmas Markets, meet Santa Claus, attend a “Christmas Inventor” session with WUT academic teachers and take part in Christmas plays and workshops with WUT Student Research Groups. Co-hosted by WUT, the International Students Talent Show Finals featuring acts by foreign students of Warsaw-based universities were a highlight of the Festival.
As usual, November saw the celebrations of the Warsaw University of Technology Day. The winners of the WUT Medal, Golden Book Award and Golden Chalk Award were announced. In addition, we named Miss and Mister WUT, awarded Christmas Scholarships, paid a tribute to some new prominent figures associated with WUT and held a WUT Rector’s Cup Race event and an array of other events celebrating our Day.
Socially responsible
In 2019, we executed history’s first projects submitted under the WUT Participatory Budget Scheme.
The winning projects of our community vote were the “Purchase of new chairs and installation of a truss structure at Amplitron Student Club” and “Power for the Heart” (“Prąd do serca”) for the purchase and placement of public-access defibrillators at WUT.
The call for project proposals for the second Participation Budget Scheme has already opened.
Traditionally, December at WUT is about the Merry Little Christmas Market and One Day Christmas season’s celebrations.
We had a little anniversary this time as the Christmas Market opened for the fifth year. We raised PLN 28,167.98 to be distributed to our high-flying students as Christmas Scholarships as every year.
Furthermore, the third One Day Christmas was held at WUT, a special event for children and young people in children’s homes and other residential and educational care.
Artsy and sporty
In 2019, we marveled at the new acts in the series Wielka Muzyka w Małej Auli / Great Music in the Small Hall. We closely tracked the performances of our artistic groups: the Academic Choir, Song and Dance Ensemble, Entertainment Orchestra and “Masovia” Folk Dance Ensemble.
We also shared excitement about sports success: the World Rowing Vice-Champion title for Szymon Pośnik; new successful performances from Damian Czykier; the skiing success of Zuzanna Czapska; the chess mastery of Piotr Górski; and the medals of the National Academic Championships.
Our management, communication and promotion activities were also appreciated.
Our Creative Project Semester initiative was recognized in the LUMEN competition and our press advertising and content marketing were awarded in the Genius Universitatis competition and our social media and science promotion activities won an award in the PROMyki competition.
In 2019, we continued to develop our WUT You Tube channel and other social media, i.e. our Polish and English Facebook profiles, our Student Fan Page, Science Fan Page and our Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. We are positive that we will have lots to share on our channels over the next 12 months!
We wish you all satisfaction in your endeavors, creative flair when solving problems and joy in celebrating your success in 2020! Dear Alma Mater, make us always proud!