The jubilee edition of the Fair will be accompanied by additional events, including the KONIK Student Gala
How do WUT students pursue their passions outside of class? You can find this out on 10 and 11 October 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm in the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology. Join us at the jubilee edition of the KONIK Fair!
Activity in research clubs and organisations gives students a chance to gain experience and practical skills before starting their professional activity.
– In this way, students can strike up new friendships, deepen their interests and develop their passions – says Kamila Czak-Żukowska, Vice-President of the Research Clubs Council.
This is why the KONIK Fair of Student Research Clubs and Student Organisations has already become a permanent fixture in the calendar of the Warsaw University of Technology.
This year’s edition will be special because it will honour the traditions and achievements of the student scientific movement from the last twenty years.
Something good for everyone
At the Warsaw University of Technology there are over 150 research clubs and student organisations, bringing together enthusiasts from almost all fields – from astronomy, through chemistry and automotive, to management. Every year, at the beginning of October, they have the opportunity to present the results of their work during an event organised by the Council of Research Clubs of the Warsaw University of Technology. At this year’s KONIK, visitors will be able to admire rovers, electric cars or glider models created by students, as well as take part in chemical shows and learn more about 3D printing.
Anything is possible!
Nothing is impossible for our students! They carry out numerous projects as part of scientific grants, they participate in hackathons and competitions, and are successful internationally. Medals at the SAE Aero Design East competition, victory in the MathWorks Mindrone Competition, first place at the National Festival of Chemical Shows – these are just a few of the recent achievements of our students.
– At the KONIK Fair of Student Research Clubs and Student Organisations visitors will be able to admire the winning projects, as well as talk to their creators: learn about their stories, inspirations and further development plans – says Julia Janiszewska, a coordinator of the event.
The fair is open to anyone interested and admission is free. Visitors are not only Warsaw University of Technology students, but also representatives of well-known companies, pupils from nearby schools, and Warsaw residents. During the event, visitors can look at the development of the student scientific movement, as well as test their knowledge by taking part in various competitions and quizzes.
Due to the jubilee we celebrate this year, we have planned additional attractions and accompanying events, such as a board game tournament and the KONIK 20th anniversary Student Gala, during which various research clubs will present their latest work, co-financed under the “Excellence Initiative - Research University” project. Awards (the Golden Horses, or KONIKs) will also be awarded to clubs that stand out in various categories. The gala will take place on 9 October at 2 pm at 4 Rektorska Street.
For more information and details of the event, please visit the Facebook page.