21st Fairs of Student Research Groups and Organisations

The graphic depicting a horse – the symbol of the KONIK Fairs

You can come to KONIK for free

What can you do at the Warsaw University of Technology besides classes? What projects are done by students and how can you join them? Come and find out! You are invited on 8 and 9 October 10:00-16:00 to the WUT Main Building.

Studying is not only learning – we often repeat these words but how can we make it happen? KONIK Fairs serve as an inspiration; it is an annual event organised by the WUT Council of Student Research Groups, where you can see in one place various forms of student activities at WUT: scientific, social and organisational, artistic, sports…

This year almost 70 student research groups, organisations and University units will show their work in the Main Building and in front of it.

We are waiting for enthusiasts of electronics, aviation, power engineering, ecology, robotics, chemistry, automotive industry, IT, materials and structures, logistics and civil engineering, social sciences, space, physics… There will also be some options for those passionate about literature, music, dancing, film, photography or sports, as well as those interested in developing soft skills and in sharing worldviews.

At KONIK you will be able to meet teams that win awards in Polish and international competitions, talk about their projects and see them.

In addition, on the second day of the Fairs, on 9 October at 12:00-15:00 student research groups that were awarded Rector’s grants co-funded within the project “Excellence Initiative – Research University” will present the results of their work in the Graduate’s Club.

– Working in student research groups and organisations is an opportunity to check your knowledge in practice, gain new skills and competences, travel, compete, get awards and distinctions, make friends and relations that help in professional development – says Julia Dasiewicz, President of the Council of Student Research Groups.  

– To our Fairs we invite everyone interested in the world and in technology: students, pupils, scientists, company representatives, those who want to have a good time and also learn something –you can come to the event for free – adds Kamila Czak-Żukowska, Vice-President of the Council of Student Research Groups, responsible for promotion.  

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