2nd place for WUT students at Global Legal Hackathon

The winning WUT team at the Global Legal Hackathon Award Ceremony; photo: www.prawo.pl

The winning WUT team at the Global Legal Hackathon Award Ceremony; photo: www.prawo.pl

Composed mainly of students of the Warsaw University of Technology, the DigiDocs Team were runners-up at the Global Legal Hackathon. Poland was represented by 17 teams in the event.

A team of seven, namely: Daniel Bigos, Bartosz Kołodziejski, Michał Smoła, Michał Wilczyński and Piotr Żelazko (the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology), Gabriel Dymowski (the WUT Faculty of Electrical Engineering) and Marcin Lorenc (the Kozminski University), came up with a project for drafting powers of attorney using a special blockchain-based application. If implemented at law firms, this solution could enable them, e.g., to go more paperless.

The Global Legal Hackathon is a two-day marathon combining software development and legal services. The competition aims at promoting the development of innovative technologies and business solutions to support both lawyers and those seeking legal advice.

The DigiDocs Team finished as runners-up among 17 teams competing in the event; photo: courtesy of Gabriel Dymowski

The DigiDocs Team finished as runners-up among 17 teams competing in the event; photo: courtesy of Gabriel Dymowski

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