45th European Rotorcraft Forum

45th European Rotorcraft Forum

The 45th ERF event will be held at the Warsaw University of Technology from 17th to 20th September, 2019.

The European Rotorcraft Forum is one of the premier events in the rotorcraft community’s calendar bringing together manufacturers, research establishments, academia, operators and regulatory agencies to discuss advances in research, development, design, manufacturing, testing and operation of rotorcraft. The Forum takes place annually across Europe, rotating around the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Russia. The ERF is being organized by the various national aeronautical societies and co-batched by CEAS. The first ERF was held in Southampton, England, in 1975. The 45th edition will take place in Poland, Warsaw.

More information about the 45th ERF event can be found at erf2019.pw.edu.pl.

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