A WUT graduate among the winners of the international 2020 MEWy Awards

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2020 MEWy Awards

Mgr inż. Jakub Kutyła, who graduated from the WUT Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 2020, came in second in the international competition entitled: “Offshore Windfarms: Development Trends and Visions” organized by the Maritime University in Szczecin and the Marshall’s Office of the Western Pomerania Region, in collaboration with the Polish Wind Energy Association.

His entry entitled: “HVDC as the driver of future Offshore Wind Energy” shed new light on the development of the technology used for the evacuation of power (electric power transmission) generated by offshore windfarms as high-voltage direct current (HVDC).

“In my paper I talked about why this particular power transmission technology may in future outperform the high-voltage alternating current (HVAC) technology, which is currently used on a large scale,” says Jakub Kutyła. “I also highlighted a trend which consists in the construction of large-scale HVDC hubs, which could be built as artificial islands located far away from the shoreline. Due to the effect of scale, any surplus power generated could be accumulated using the Power-to-Gas technology in the form of “green hydrogen” produced in such offshore hubs.

Excerpts from our graduate’s winning submission.

Jakub Kutyła is this year’s graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. He majored in electrical engineering, specializing in electrical power engineering. He is currently studying at the Warsaw School of Economics.

The MEWy Awards is an international competition which showcases solutions related to the use of offshore windfarm technologies and power generation.

For more information about the competition, please visit the website of the Maritime University in Szczecin.

A MEWy Award also went to students from the Power Engineers Research Group at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering.

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