A consortium including our scientists will investigate the use of biogas in modern combustion engines


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The project entitled: “Use of pre-purified biogas as fuel for engines and farming machines” will result in the development of dual-fuel common rail diesel engines.

The consortium including the  Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering (SiMR) of the WUT also includes the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Automotive Industry Institute and Polska Grupa Biogazowa Energetyka 4 as project leader. The collaboration partners also include the “Biomass” Scientific Engineering Center and the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics based in Ukraine.

The project implemented by the international team responds to the challenge of combating the effects of climate change. The automotive industry is quite notorious in this regard and thus the use of biogas generated by anaerobic biomass fermentation stands a chance of becoming an environmentally-friendly and effective alternative to traditional fuel.

Several research stages

WUT researchers will be responsible for the technical aspects of the project. They will first conduct simulation (numerical) studies of a dual-fuel diesel engine. Two components, i.e. biogas with a high content of carbon dioxide and diesel fuel, will be used. The study will take into account several versions of the dual-fuel system and will be performed for a wide range of engine operating conditions. The selected solution will be further tested on an engine test bench. Their aim will be to verify the assumptions made for the tested system and to select the right algorithms to control the dosing of the gaseous and liquid fuel to match the engine operating conditions. 

At a later stage of the study, the fuel system will be installed in a vehicle and tested under actual operating conditions in a biogas plant. The vehicle’s performance characteristics will be assessed along with fuel consumption and the impact of the fuel system on engine component and diesel fuel degradation. Any required system modifications or fuel dosing algorithm adjustments will be introduced as necessary.

Duration and funding

The project will be launched on 1 August and will be implemented over the next three years. Its budget amounts for PLN 981,050, including PLN 969,050 contributed by the National Centre for Research and Development. The SiMR will provide PLN 500,000.

Project work at the WUT will be managed by Jakub Lasocki, PhD, Eng., from the Department of Combustion Engines at the Institute of Vehicles and Construction Machinery Engineering of the SiMR.

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