A new chapter in the history of road engineering in Poland

Photo of Warsaw University of Technology research infrastructure

Warsaw University of Technology research infrastructure was used in the project, photo: Faculty of Civil Engineering

Research work under the project “Asphalt road paving structure optimization with the use of modified asphalts” has been completed. The obtained results prove that the design concepts developed under the project for the construction of road paving with the use of highly modified asphalts (HiMA) enable the construction of more durable and cheaper roads. Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology contributed to the project.

In October 2019, the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Warsaw University of Technology, the Road and Bridge Research Institute in Warsaw and the companies Budimex, LOTOS Group and ORLEN Asfalt signed an agreement to implement a research project.

Improved durability and cost saving

After several months’ work, a consortium of manufacturers and scientists confirmed the positive effect of Highly Modified Asphalt (HiMA) on the functional properties and fatigue service life of road surfaces.

The project included work on new proposed requirements for mineral-asphalt mixtures used in road bases. Costs of road construction, maintenance and operation was also estimated and environmental impact indicators were determined for HiMA asphalt pavements. The proposed solutions were found to significantly contribute to extending the surface lifecycle and to help to reduce the cost of road construction and maintenance.

Professor Jan Król of the Faculty of Civil Engineering was the Warsaw University of Technology research team leader. The research infrastructure of the new Laboratory for Advanced Functional Research in Mineral-Asphalt Mixtures at the Road Construction Technology Department was used in the project.

Assistance for designers and implementation

The results of the research work will be included in the “Catalogue of Typical Flexible and Semi-Rigid Pavement Structures” which is a common point of reference for road designers. This will make the technology more accessible.

Budimex, a construction company, is planning to implement the solution in the upcoming months. A test road section will be built using the proposed solutions.

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