Academic year 2022/2023 officially inaugurated

Photo of our Rector and a newly admitted student

Our Rector and a newly admitted student

All the best for everyone!

On October 1, 2022, in the Grand Hall of the Main Building, we inaugurated the new academic year at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Numerous guests – representatives of the highest national and local authorities, rectors and vice-rectors of other universities, as well as representatives of the world of science, the clergy and business, celebrated this very special day alongside our community: our Rector and Vice-Rectors, the Senate, students, doctoral students and employees of the Warsaw University of Technology.

Ambitious goals for the coming years

In his inaugural speech, the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, drew attention to the special circumstances we have recently been faced with.

“The energy and climate crisis, limited access to raw materials and means of production, serious disruptions of global supply chains, the risk of migration of millions of people threatened by war, and intense weather phenomena – all this is a challenge also for the academic community, whose role is to seek answers to all civilizational challenges,” said the Rector.

“Always, but especially in these last months, our greatest concern is to take care of the safety and well-being of all members of our community," added Prof. Zaremba. “In case of potential threats, we build alternative scenarios in which our employees, students and doctoral students are always the most important”.

The Rector emphasized that our University is not only an organization whose aim is research and teaching.

“The Warsaw University of Technology is an idea, a space and a community,” he said. “We are not just a place where the next generations of engineers and scientists are educated and research is carried out. Our work has a significant impact on the environment, both by creating new solutions and by the way we implement them in life”.

Prof. Zaremba discussed plans and ambitions related to the implementation of the 2030 development strategy. The aim is that in eight years’ time the University of Technology will be a renowned and recognisable technical research university, an attractive scientific and teaching centre in the European Research Area, a university conducting scientific research and education at a world level, participating in shaping trends in technology development, providing knowledge and solutions for domestic and global industry.

“We see WUT as a socially responsible university that participates in the search for solutions related to global civilizational threats, one that creates competent, creative and socially responsible staff for the science and industry of the future,” said the WUT Rector.

When discussing these ambitions, Prof. Zaremba quoted T.S. Eliot: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go”.

In his speech, the Rector discussed the research, teaching and sports successes of our employees, students, doctoral students and graduates. The results of these activities can be seen through the grants obtained or leading places in competitions and contests, both domestically and abroad.

Prof. Zaremba also discussed investments, digitization, streamlining management and administrative processes, improving scientific efficiency and changes in education. As an example of innovations in the field of education, he pointed to ID studies – individual studies for the best candidates, winners of school Olympiads. They are intended, among other things, to restore the meaning of the master-student relationship.

“Engineering education is the education of creators, impossible without forming in our graduates the passion for learning about the world and the mystery of its workings,” said the Rector, referring to the slogan #zawszeciekawi (#alwayscurios), which is used for our University’s promotional activities. “This passion, natural for children, is often irretrievably lost in the educational process. Our mission is to resurrect and develop it”.

The Rector wished new students and doctoral candidates, as well as all those present at the inauguration, that the academic year 2022/2023 will be another fascinating intellectual adventure and a great, positive experience.

Wishes from guests

During the ceremony, letters from representatives of national and local authorities addressed to the academic community of our University were read out.

On behalf of the President of the Republic of Poland, his advisor Piotr Czerwiński expressed wishes on the occasion of the new academic year. Piotr Uściński, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development and Technology, and also a graduate of WUT, spoke on behalf of Poland’s Prime Minister.

The Minister of Education and Science was represented by Dr. Bartłomiej Biskup, Chair of the Advisory Team for the “Social Responsibility of Science and Science Dissemination Activities” programme and member of the Scientific Policy Committee. The message from the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship was delivered by Elżbieta Kozubek, Director of the Mazovian Spatial Planning Unit. The letter from Warsaw’s Mayor was read out by his deputy, Tomasz Bratek.

Making good use of your study time

After the guests’ speeches, the time came for the central point of the inauguration: matriculation, i.e. the act of being accepted as students.

Representatives of persons who are just starting their academic journey at the Warsaw University of Technology took the oath and then received congratulatory letters from the WUT Rector.

In his speech, Paweł Świniarski, President of the WUT Students' Self-Government, spoke about how students should use their talents and the opportunities created by WUT.

“Our students are scientifically successful in Europe, win sports competitions at the international level, carry out cultural projects, perform in plays and films, are incredibly talented musicians who regularly surprise us with their creativity and successes by combining their passion with their studies,” stressed Paweł Świniarski as he encouraged the newly admitted students to take up activities outside of classes. “It will allow you to develop and discover a passion and abilities that you would never suspect you had”.

For Krystian Jędrzejczak, Chair of the Council of WUT’s Doctoral Candidates, the inauguration of the new academic year was an opportunity to reminisce about his first high-school visit to our University. In his speech, he drew attention to the key issues in working towards a doctorate.

“As part of the doctorate, interdisciplinarity is very important – the exchange of ideas between representatives of different environments,” Jędrzejczak stressed. “Only through joint effort can we change the world for the better”.

Krystian Jędrzejczak wished students and doctoral candidates that their days spent at the Warsaw University of Technology will allow them to find a job, as well as use the knowledge and skills they gain at our University.

Science and development

The first lecture at the Warsaw University of Technology in the new academic year, entitled “Are we already seeing the limits of economic growth? What can science do about it?” was delivered by Prof. Witold Orłowski.

“Recent months have caused people to ask themselves fundamental questions about economic and social development, and what science can do about it, especially in terms of consolidating development and putting it on the right track,” Prof. Orłowski noted. “Technological progress can have a gigantic effect on the economy and the prospect of development. Secondly, you need to be able to use and stimulate it. We are talking about innovation here, not just inventions”.

The scientist also pointed out that people can and must be taught to use technology better.

Thank you!

This year, the inauguration took place, rather unusually, on a Saturday. So we would like to especially thank everyone who took part in the event and devoted their time to be with us in the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology or watched the broadcast online. Thank you also for all your wishes and congratulations.

We hope that a good and fruitful academic year awaits us all.

Photo of the participants of the inauguration

Even though the inauguration took place on a Saturday, the Grand Hall was filled with people

Photo of the guests of the inauguration

Representatives of the authorities, the clergy, and people from the world of science and business were among the guests

Photo of Paweł Świniarski, President of the WUT Students' Self-Government during

One of the speeches was delivered by Paweł Świniarski, President of the WUT Students' Self-Government during his speech

Photo of Prof. Witold Orłowski during the first lecture in the new academic year

The first lecture in the new academic year was given by Prof. Witold Orłowski

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