Admissions to the WUT Doctoral School

Photo of the students in the WUT Main Library

More information about the Doctoral School and admissions at

The Master’s degree is not enough? Join us!

Those who are #alwayscurious, who can’t say goodbye to the Warsaw University of Technology or who wish to join the university, are invited to our Doctoral School. Registration of candidates will take place from 1 to 22 August 2022. 

As of the winter semester, the existing five doctoral schools will be replaced with one WUT Doctoral School. Candidates may choose from the following disciplines:

  • chemical engineering;
  • materials engineering;
  • chemical sciences;
  • physical sciences;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • biomedical engineering;
  • automation, electronics and electrical engineering;
  • management and quality sciences;
  • mathematics;
  • technical information and telecommunications;
  • environmental engineering, mining and power engineering;
  • architecture and urban planning;
  • civil engineering and transport.

Admissions step by step

The first step in the admissions proceedings is registration and submission of all required documents through the IRK system (1-22 August). Among other documents, one should submit a general research concept with the statement of the potential thesis advisor. This search engine will help you find him or her.

After the registration, qualifications interviews will be held (planned from 1 to 8 September). After publication of the ranking of provisionally qualified persons (13 September), one should submit the other required documents in the IRK system within the specified deadline (14-20 September).

A detailed schedule of the admissions is available on the website of the Doctoral School.

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