Hubert Janicki of the Warsaw University of Technology (field of study: Geodesy and Cartography) won the top spot in the 12th National Thesis Competition for Best Thesis in Cartography, Geomatics and Geoinformation.
He completed his engineer’s thesis entitled “Wizualizacja Gmachu Głównego Politechniki Warszawskiej przy użyciu wybranego silnika gier” (“Visualization of the Warsaw University of Technology Main Building Using a Game Engine of Choice”) under the supervision of Jacek Marciniak, Ph.D., Eng., of the WUT Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography.
The purpose of Hubert Janicki’s thesis was to create a 3D model of the WUT Main Building and its visualization in a mobile application. The project delivered a model and an application for Android devices as well as scripts for automated modelling that can be used in geoinformation systems. The following technologies were used: ESRI City Engine (for 3D model editing) and UNITY game engine (for implementation of the mobile app).
The competition winner points out that the resulting model of the Main Building can be used in the university-dedicated systems of the Warsaw University of Technology and the conclusions and takeaways from the thesis can help create models of other buildings.
The hosts of this year’s competition were the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Department of Cartography and Geomatics and the Polish Geographical Society, Chapter of Cartography. A record-breaking 26 theses completed in the academic year 2019/2020 have been admitted in the competition.
The competition finals were held as a conference call. Each contender was asked to prepare a 5-minute-long video presentation and an electronic poster.
The judging panel of the 12th National Thesis Competition were: Marek Baranowski, Ph.D., D.Sc. (Chairman), Prof. Elżbieta Bielecka Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng., Dariusz Dukaczewski, Ph.D., D.Sc., Łukasz Halik, Ph.D., Eng., Zenon Kozieł Ph.D., D.Sc., Mirosław Krukowski, Ph.D., Robert Olszewski Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng., Stanisław Szombara Ph.D., Eng., Mateusz Kamiński (winner of the 11th Competition) and Edyta Wyka, M.Sc. (Esri Poland).
The prize sponsors are Esri Poland and the Marie Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
For more information about the competition and its winners, visit