Best Paper Award (2016-2018) went to Professor Michał Pióro

Congratulations to Prof. Michał Pióro, the main author of the paper which won the Best Paper Award in INFORMS Telecommunications and Network Analytics.

Professor Michał Pióro from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Yoann Fouquet, Dritan Nace and Michael Poss received the Best Paper Award (2016-2018), awarded by the international INFORMS Association, for a jointly written article "Optimizing Flow Thinning Protection in Multicommodity Networks with Variable Link Capacity", published in the journal Operations Research in 2016.

The prizewinning work deals with applications of robust optimization techniques to the design of wireless telecommunication networks in which links’ capacities are subject to constant fluctuations caused by adverse weather conditions. Optimization of such networks is a complex matter since it requires consideration of specific carried traffic protection mechanisms for an enormous number of possible states differing in the availability of particular wireless links. The paper proposes an original mechanism, called flow thinning, for that purpose and an advanced optimization model allowing for effective design of the considered networks.

With over 12,500 members from around the globe, INFORMS is the leading international association for professionals in operations research and analytics. INFORMS promotes best practices and advances in operations research, management science, and analytics to improve operational processes, decision-making, and outcomes through an array of highly-cited publications, conferences, competitions, networking communities, and professional development services.

The award is granted every three years by the Telecommunications and Network Analytics section of INFORMS as a part of an open competition admitting papers dealing with applications of the operations research methodologies in telecommunication networks optimization and performance analysis, published in the research journals related to that field.

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