Production of bioimplants „fit to measure” which support regeneration and reconstruction of human and animal bone loss is the aim of a group of scientists from WUT’s Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering under the leadership of Prof. Wojciech Święszkowski PhD.
Innovative solution
The team started working on this project from developing material from which the implant was supposed to be made. They created a composite which is made of biodegradable polymer and tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Both of these compounds are in the human bones. Once the implant made of such material has been put in, it is naturally covered by a bone tissue and dissolves after some time leaving the patient’s bone totally regenerated.
Bioimplant is mainly designed for regeneration of bone loss which happened as a result of cancer removal. The advantage and innovation of this product comes mainly from comprising together the already existing solutions with the developed techniques of production and modelling – says Prof. Święszkowski.
In order to deliver a complex tool for regerating tissues, the scientists used methods of the materials science, medicine, biology, CAD/CAM and IT.
The first stage of creation of the bioimplant is obtaining a computerized tomography scan of the bone issue which is to replace the missing part of the bone.
By using the appropriate graphic software, part of a bone that is supposed to be removed (or one that has already been removed) is used as a model. After optimizing its inner structure when taking into account the appropriate porosity and mechanical properties the implant is printed by using the 3D technique. Then it has to be sterilised so it can serve as a ready-made medical product – the bioimplant.
Applied in medicine
Bioimplant will be put during the surgery of removal of the ill bone tissue – it will simply replace the missing part of the bone. That is why the bioimplant has to be precisely tailored to fit in the bone. It is a kind of base for the growing tissues. With time the bioimplant disappears as it is biodegradable and in its place healthy bone tissue grows and gradually takes over the implant’s function.
- Due to the biodegradability, its inner structure and mechanical properties, the gradual reconstruction of the tissue and improvement of patient’s comfort is possible. The research done in this project allowed the development of modelling technologies and creating bioimplants made-to–measure for a particular patient. It also made it possible to do the in vivo tests on small and big animals. It positions this product on a position equal to other projects done in international research unites and institutes. – says Ms. Barbara Ostrowska PhD
From science to business
Currently, the group of inventors and scientists – creators of the bioimplant is trying to commercialise their reseach results and place their product on the market.
To achieve this aim, the researchers established a spin-off company called MaterialsCare in August 2015. Its main profile is:
The bioimplant has already undergone the first tests on animals and is being used at vet clinics. The inventors are trying to start production of an implant especially for humans. They estimate that the preparations and clinical studies will take about 5 years.