Business Networking Day for English-speaking students

Business Networking Day for English-speaking students

On the of November 6th, the WUT’s Careers Service organize Business Networking Day dedicated to English-speaking students (Polish and foreign students studying in English).

If you are looking for companies who are willing to hire English-speaking candidates and give them the opportunity to work in international environment - BND is an event for you!

There will be 5 companies sharing information about what they do and how they work, but the most important is to help you in getting business contacts and explain you how beneficial “business networking” could be in pursuing your professional career.


  • 11:00-14:30 Networking Game with Employers /Small Aula, WUT’s Main Building, Pl. Politechniki 1
    • take a game card from WUT’s Careers Service information point/Entrance to the Small Aula
    • get answers /as much as possible/ to the given questions from the employers. Feel free to ask additional questions - show your engagement
    • bring back completed game card to the reception
    • come to the prize raffle and check if you won!
  • 14:30-14:45 Results of Networking Game - Raffle  /room 206, WUT’s Main Building, Pl. Politechniki 1

All companies prepared winnings! There will be 10 packages to win during the raffle including useful gadgets, branded products that you probably know well, books, small electronics! J WUT’s Careers Service will add our Frisbee to the sets!

Participating companies:

  • Carlson Wagonlit Travel
  • Citi
  • Goldman Sachs
  • Microstrategy
  • RBS

More information about companies >>>

There is no registration to Business Networking Day. Join the event on Facebook. We encourage you to take your CV with you.

Participation in Business Networking Day will be a great opportunity to:

  • Building a network of contacts - from the perspective of a person entering the labor market, it is the basis for quickly finding it;
  • Knowing the latest trends in the labor market - to focus on improving the skills sought especially;
  • Creating an image - remember that the first impression is crucial in effective job search, it would be good to be remembered as an ambitious and initiative person
  • Learn about the recruitment processes in various companies - to feel more comfortable during recruitment
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