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Warsaw is struggling with air pollution

Scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology are developing the Warsaw Air Index (WIP). It is an element of a comprehensive environment protection programme for the capital city of Warsaw, which has been announced in the end of 2016. – It should serve the residents of Warsaw as well as municipal authorities – says Artur Badyda, PhD, Eng., of the Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology, who supervises the development of the project.

Currently the data on air quality is accumulated by the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. Scientists from our University are planning to act in a slightly different manner. – Among other things we want to utilise forecast models – explains Dr Badyda. – On the basis of information about the values of pollutant emissions and meteorological parameters, we will be able to calculate and estimate not only the present air condition but also predict what the air is going to be like several or even a dozen hours into the future.

With regard to the above, the city authorities will be able to react in advance, which is to mean that they will be able to undertake actions leading to limiting the emission of harmful substances and prepare appropriate announcements which will later be broadcast to the residents. Lately, when air quality became one of the most important topics in the capital and the rest of the country we have found out just how essential such a system would be.

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