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When you hear "chemistry", you think “Flogiston”

They are organizers of international conferences and science festivals; they participate in picnics; they do uncountable shows and workshops. Members of the Warsaw Chemistry Science Club “Flogiston”, operating at the University, use knowledge to show that science can be interesting and enjoyable.

“Flogiston’s” presentations are particularly well-liked by children. The students don’t simply conduct chemistry experiments. They tap into the audience’s imagination. They don’t quote scientific theories or laws, they don’t use complex vocabulary. Instead, they just tell stories, not dissimilar to fairy tales. Children look inquisitively, as an experiment’s result becomes an elephant’s trunk, they listen closely to the tales of the genie of the lamp (actually, of the kettle), they laugh when they hear that experience in making shakes at McDonald’s helps in efficient mixing of substances. “We have our fans who come to most of the picnics and say: ‘I know you! I saw you here, here, here, and here’”, says Anna Chęcińska, member of the Club. “Once, a boy came to us and said: ‘When I hear chemistry, I think Flogiston’. It was very sweet”.

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WUT'S researchers work on a range of scientific topics which are explored in different areas and on a different scale. Often the outcome of these helps with the development of new technologies or everyday products to come into being.

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