Candidates for Vice-Rectors approved by the WUT Senate

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On 2 September 2020, the WUT Senate approved the candidates for the positions of Vice-Rectors, put forward by the Rector, Professor Krzysztof Zaremba. All proposed candidates were approved by the Senate.

In the term of office 2020-2024, the positions of Vice-Rectors of the Warsaw University of Technology will be held by:

  • Professor Mirosław Karpierz – Vice-Rector for General Affairs; 
  • Professor Mariusz Malinowski - Vice-Rector for Research; 
  • Professor Jan Słyk - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs; 
  • Professor Adam Woźniak - Vice-Rector for Development; 
  • Professor Robert Zalewski - Vice-Rector for Student Affairs; 
  • Professor Renata Walczak - Vice-Rector for Branch in Płock. 

All Vice-Rectors hold their positions for the first time.

Profiles of 2020-2024 WUT Vice-Rectors:

Vice-Rector for General Affairs

Professor Mirosław Karpierz – since 2012, Dean of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology, in 1999-2005, Vice-Dean. In 1996-1999, Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics. Senator of the Warsaw University of Technology in 2005-2008 and 2012-2020. Member of the Programme Board and in 2010-2012, Deputy Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies of the Warsaw University of Technology. In 2016-2020, Secretary and since 2020, President of the Committee of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

He does research on non-linear optics and photonics, aimed at applications in optic-fibre-based information transfer and processing systems and in measurement systems. He established a team for non-linear optics, which collaborates with foreign and Polish science centres. Author and co-author of over 170 scientific publications, two patents, monographs and a few chapters in monographs.

Participated in development of study programmes in the fields of study of technical physics and photonics. For over thirty years, co-organiser of regular international workshops on the applications of non-linear optics. ”Golden Chalk” winner.

Vice-Rector for Research

Professor Mariusz Malinowski - since 2002, employed in the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. He was awarded Foundation for Polish Science scholarships: Start (2001, 2002) and Kolumb (2003). In 2019, he became member of the Council of Scientific Excellence for the first term of office. Elected to be president of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

The research interests of Professor Mariusz Malinowski concentrate on power electronics, electric drives, electromobility, smart power grids and renewable energy resources. He participated in over 25 research and R&D projects.

In his scientific career, he received a number of awards and distinctions, such as: Siemens Award for his doctoral dissertation (2002), Joint Siemens Research Award (2007), Award of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland for his habilitacja dissertation (2013) and the First Joint Award of the Prime Minister for scientific and technical accomplishments (2017). He also received international research awards IEEE IES David Irwin Early Career Award (2011) and IEEE IES David Bimal Bose Award for Industrial Electronics Applications in Energy Systems (2015).

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Professor Jan Słyk – since 2016, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, in 2012-2016, Vice-Dean for Studies. Senator of the Warsaw University of Technology in 2016-2020, member of Senate committees and Rector’s committees. Member of the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In his research, he concentrates on the methodology of design and applications of IT in architecture. Author of two books, editor of joint monographs, articles and chapters in monographs.

Since 2009, Head of the Workshop of Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Since 2010, co-author of the curriculum and lecturer in the degree programme Architecture for Society of Knowledge. Author of experimental projects and international workshops on experiences in augmented architectural environments. Initiator and co-author of the programme concept of an interfaculty interdisciplinary project BIM.

Author and co-author of over 100 architectural projects and works which received awards and distinctions in architectural competitions.

Vice-Rector for Development

Professor Adam Woźniak - since 2020, Dean of the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology; in 2012-2020, Director of the Institute of Metrology and Biomedical Engineering.

His research concentrates on coordinate metrology. He is author of two monographs and over 150 scientific publications. He managed several research projects.

In 2008-2011, member of the Standardisation Council in the second term of office. In 2017, appointed by the Minister of Economic Development to become member of the Institute Board of the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements PIAP. Also since 2017, member of the Metrology Board appointed by the Minister of Economic Development.

In 2019, he was elected Head of the first Scientific Council of the Discipline of Mechanical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 2019, active member of the advisory board for evaluation of awards and scholarships of the Minister for Science and Higher Education.

He was the prime mover and is now coordinator of research and innovation collaboration of the Warsaw University of Technology and Polytechnique de Montréal in Canada.

He was awarded many scholarships of the Foundation for Polish Science: Homing (2007-2009), Kolumb (2005-2006), Start (2003, 2004). For his scientific activity, he received a number of awards, including the award of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland.

Vice-Rector for Student Affairs

Professor Robert Zalewski – since 2016, Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology and Head of the Division of IT Techniques of the Institute of Machine Design Fundamentals. Since 2012, Dean’s Proxy for International Cooperation. Since 2013, Deputy Dean for Research of the Institute of Machine Design Fundamentals.

His research concentrates on empirical and model studies on non-classical materials, such as granulated materials, intelligent materials and solid rocket fuels. He is author and co-author of scientific monographs and coursebooks, and also circa 100 articles, conference materials and chapters in monographs.

Member of international and Polish organisations and scientific societies, such as the Commission of Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Learning, Section of System Dynamics of the Mechanics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Section Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik - GAMM.

For his research, teaching and organisational accomplishments, he received several awards of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology. He won the ”Golden Chalk” seven times for his lectures and tutorials.  

Vice-Rector for Branch in Płock

Professor Renata Walczak – Director of the College of Economics and Social Sciences in 2012-2016 and 2016-2020. Since 2020, Director of the Confucius Institute at the Warsaw University of Technology. Since 1.09.2020, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Petrochemistry.

Her research concentrates on management and project management. She cooperates with many foreign universities and manages a research project within the Horizon 2020 programme.

She was Proxy for International Educational Programmes. She represents the Warsaw University of Technology in the European University Association CESAER. Author and head of post-graduate programmes Project Management, and Technical Evaluation and Maintenance of Technical Systems.

Member of the Płock Scientific Society and editorial board of the journal Notatki Płockie. She was Managing Editor in the journal Foundations of Management. Member of the Board for Equal Treatment to the President of Płock.

She received numerous awards of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology and of Marshall of the Mazowieckie Voivodship. Awarded with the distinction “Medal of Merit to the Warsaw University of Technology”.

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