Christmas Scholarship — Winners of the 5th Edition Announced

Winners of the 5th edition of the Christmas Scholarship

Winners of the 5th edition of the Christmas Scholarship

They study in various fields at various faculties and have different interests, but they have one thing in common — through their passionate activities, they promote both science and the Warsaw University of Technology. We present the profiles of the nine finalists awarded for their above-average student and popularizing activity.

A record number of candidates applied for the latest edition of the Christmas Scholarship. As many as 70 people prepared their presentations and showed off their activities in research groups and student organizations, their research and sports successes, as well as popularizing science among children and youth.

From among all the applications, the commission created by the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, the Chancellor, the head and the representatives of the Promotion and Information Office and a representative of the WUT Students Union selected 9 best candidates. All the winners will be awarded scholarships which can be granted thanks to the generosity of the donors at the WUT Christmas Market.

These are this year’s winners:

  • Mateusz Chojnowski — a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (major: Electrical Engineering). Chairman of the ADek Student Research Group. Participant of the 2019 E-Kart Challenge international electric go-kart competition (as driver / mechanic), which ended with winning three awards. He promoted and continues to promote the Research Group, the Faculty and the WUT during industry events and events aimed at prospective students, competitions and media appearances. Outside the University, he is a Formula 1 fan and an enthusiast of astronomy and electromobility. In his spare time, he plays guitar and walks in the woods.
  • Izabela Fijałkowska —a student at the WUT Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography (major: Geodesy and Cartography). Head of the “GEOIDA” Student Association (2018–2020). She organized and promoted faculty projects (conferences, meetings, trips and workshops) and university-wide projects (Juvenalia, Open Days, Freshmen’s welcome party, Piekielny Wyścig [Hell’s Race]). She considers obtaining the DAAD scholarship for a “GEOIDY” research expedition to Germany and planning the trip to be her great success. She loves being active. This willingness motivates her to engage in new projects.
  • Kacper Korzeniewski — a student at the Faculty of Mechatronics (major: Biomedical Engineering). For years associated with the Biomedical Equipment Student Research Group, in which he had the opportunity to co-create, among others, the design of the MediBox automated medication dispenser and the EMG-controlled hand prosthesis. He plays the role of PRomoter, i.e. an ambassador of the WUT Promotion and Information Office — as part of this cooperation, he is actively involved in, among others, traditional and virtual meetings with prospective students. A passionate judoka and a proud representative of his university in academic competitions, a medal winner.
  • Jan Łusakowski — a student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (major: Applied Automatics and Robotics). Active in the Biomedical Equipment Student Research Group, together with which he participates in national scientific conferences. He is involved in a variety of interdisciplinary projects, including the MedBiz Innovations Program international mentoring project. In particular, he enjoys popularizing science among children and youth — the participants of such events as the “From Micro to Macro” educational picnic or the KONIK Fair of Student Research Groups and Student Organizations found out about it. As an ambassador of the Promotion and Information Office, he ensures that prospective students are encouraged to embark on a scientific adventure at the WUT.
  • Tomasz Miś — a PhD student at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology. For many years, he has been involved in the projects of the Astronautic Student Research Group (SKA), he served as its president (2016) and vice-president (2015). He represented the SKA during national and international competitions, conferences and fairs. He has also promoted the University of Technology during classes with children and youth (the Robert Bosch Academy of Inventors, the ADAMED SmartUP and picnics) and in the media. In addition to his work at the University, he is active in the “Transatlantic Radiotelegraphic Broadcasting Center Cultural Park” Association (Stowarzyszenie „Park Kulturowy Transatlantycka Radiotelegraficzna Centrala Nadawcza”).
  • Zuzanna Podgórska — a graduate of the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology and Mechatronics (major: Biomedical Engineering) and currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Physics (Nuclear Physics). A finalist of the Polish edition of the international FameLab competition (already in March, the results of the 2020 edition will be announced and we keep our fingers crossed!). A Spokeswoman for Science who combines two demanding roles — that of a science promoter and mother. Her mission is to build awareness of the harmfulness of radon.
  • Adrian Stolarski – a student at the Faculty of Mechatronics (major: Automatics, Robotics and Industrial IT). President of the Humanoid Student Research Group (2019–2021), which under his leadership became the Research Group of 2020 in the StRuNa competition. As part of the Research Group, he coordinated eight research and science promotion projects. He organized and supervised the participation of the Humanoid Student Research Group in picnics, conferences, fairs and cultural events promoting the Research Group, the Faculty and the University. He proudly relates to the #HumanoidChallenge, coordinated by him, which encourages creativity during the lockdown. In his spare time, he flows out into the wide waters — you can meet him sailing in the Mazurian Lake District and on the Zegrze Reservoir. There he represents the Warsaw University of Technology and the PW “Wimpel” Sailing Club.
  • Katarzyna Tutaj — a student at the Faculty of Chemistry (major: Chemical Technology). President of the Council of Student Research Groups (2020) and Senator for the Scientific Movement. Co-organizer of the KONIK Fair of Student Research Groups and Student Organizations. President (2018–2019) and vice-president (2017–2018) of the Flogiston Chemistry Student Research Group. She was involved in the work on Flogiston projects promoting and popularizing science (“Skołowany Weekend” Science Festival, International Congress of Young Chemists “YoungChem”, shows and workshops for children and youth) and university-wide initiatives (Open Days). Outside the University, she is a  horse riding enthusiast and a fan of crime films.
  • Filip Wyrzykowski – a student at the WUT Faculty of Management (major: Management Engineering). A Formula 1 enthusiast who, while studying at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering (SiMR), founded the Proton Dynamic team which designs and builds Formula Student electric racing cars. It was this project that he devoted most of his student life to, promoting it during national and international trade fairs, as well as in international construction competitions. He shared his knowledge and experience with young science enthusiasts during the Open Days at the Warsaw University of Technology and the Arsenal Rally (Rajd Arsenał).
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