Confirmed coronavirus case at WUT

We have the first confirmed coronavirus case at Warsaw University of Technology. It concerns a student of our University, who resides in the “Żaczek” dormitory.

In accordance with applicable regulations, including the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate and the safety rules introduced at Warsaw University of Technology in connection with the pandemic, the sick student and his roommate have been lodged in two separate rooms with all facilities provided (i.e. “isolation rooms” prepared beforehand for such a situation).

“The infected student feels well, he has mild symptoms,” says Prof. Janusz Walo, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. “The person who used to share a room with the infected student has not been confirmed with coronavirus and we hope this will not change. He is currently in quarantine. The students have no contact with other dormitory residents. We have ensured that their basic livelihood needs are met.”

The students can also continue to participate in classes conducted via the Internet, communicate with their environment and, if necessary, receive psychological assistance. 

The infected student did not visit his faculty or other university buildings over the last month.

All persons that have recently had contact with either student have been notified.

The “Żaczek” dormitory strictly adheres to the applicable restrictions and sanitary regime. This includes providing disinfectants and enforcing the social distancing rules.

The District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station was notified by the University immediately after we became aware of the situation.

The detailed recommendations obtained from the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in response to the notification are consistent with the previously taken preventive actions and measures. “When applying and controlling the quarantine regime, it is not necessary to completely close the facility”, we read in the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station’s letter received on June 15.

We also invite you to participate in a weekly chat with the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, WUT Professor Janusz Walo, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. The chat will take place on Wednesday and will also refer to the situation connected with the first confirmed coronavirus case at Warsaw University of Technology.

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