Cooperation with Ningbo University of Technology

Photo of Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Rector Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Director of the Centre for International Cooperation Grzegorz Robak sitting by the table

During the meeting our University was represented by (left to right): Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Rector Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Director of the Centre for International Cooperation Grzegorz Robak

Initiatives related to research, education and human resources are the main areas of joint activities included in the agreement concluded by the two universities.

Warsaw University of Technology and Ningbo University of Technology intend to establish a basis for cooperation in the field of industrial technologies and promote joint research activities in high-tech industries.

The universities want to jointly prepare research articles and participate in international scientific and research projects, organise mutual staff exchanges (including expert visits), conduct joint second-cycle studies and provide education as part of PhD schemes. Cooperation in various industrial sectors is planned, with particular emphasis on electrical, electronic and ICT technologies, as well as automation and robotics.

The agreement was signed for five years.

Formalising the cooperation was accompanied by an online meeting of representatives of the Warsaw University of Technology and Ningbo University of Technology. It was not only an opportunity to sign the agreement, but also to talk about the two universities. WUT was represented by Vice-Rector for Research Prof. Mariusz Malinowski, Rector Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba, and the Director of the Centre for International Cooperation Grzegorz Robak.

Photo of representatives of the Ningbo University of Technology during a meeting with the representatives of our University

Representatives of the Ningbo University of Technology during a meeting with the representatives of our University

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