Coronavirus — FAQ


Due to the numerous questions concerning appropriate behavior during the period of countering potential infection with coronavirus, we are presenting a list of guidelines on issues related to studying and working at the Warsaw University of Technology.

I. General information about studying and student affairs

  1. Will March examination session be cancelled / postponed? To find out, please contact the Deans of the respective faculties.
  2. [update 02/04] What about the dates of of the diploma thesis defenses? Those are postponed. There might be a possibility of defensing the thesis remotely (after the acceptance of all parties involved and carrying out all of the formalities). Any matters that are not urgent should wait until March 25 April 10, 2020. Until then, please contact the dean's office via e-mail or telephone.
  3. Are the libraries open? All libraries are closed, including those in student dormitories and faculties.
  4. If the libraries remain closed, will the calculation of late return penalties for overdue books be suspended since it will be impossible to return them? No additional charges will be imposed for non-returned books.
  5. What will happen to sport activities? All sporting activities are cancelled.
  6. Will the faculty offices be open? Deans’ offices, upon approval of the Deans, may work at changed times and in a reduced composition. In order to settle any matter, please contact the Dean’s office by phone or e-mail in advance.
  7. What about payments for extramural studies? The university will endeavor to conduct classes by the end of the academic year. No refunds are expected.
  8. Will the academic year be extended? There are no plans to extend the academic year.
  9. Will cancelled classes be made up for? By 20 March 2020, heads of organizational units carrying out teaching activities will announce a list of lectures and classes which will be conducted remotely starting from 23 March 2020.
  10. [update 19/03] What about classes that cannot be made up for online? We'll do everything we can to carry most of the classes online.
  11. Will this affect the dates of summer examination? The decision will be made shortly. We encourage you to follow the updates on the university website.
  12. Is this date (of suspension of classes) final or is it possible that classes will be cancelled for a longer time? It should be taken into account that the end date for the suspension of classes may be extended.
  13. [update 03/04] Will it be possible to transfer some of the lab classes for the next semester? There is such possibility, but it depends on the specific faculty and laboratories involved.
  14. How will the classes be conducted, e.g. via the Internet? Selected classes will be conducted remotely. Suspension of classes does not mean a break in studying, but only a change in its form. We also encourage you to use the learning platform
  15. [update 19/03] There are a lot of online courses (e.g. those conducted by the Ivy League universities) - will I obtain any ECTS if I pass such course/courses? It's possible if the particular course is conducted by one of WUT lecturers. In other cases you should contact your lecturer.
  16. [update 19/03] Is there any specific e-learning tool that will be used to conduct all the online classes? No, but we can recommend Microsoft Teams (every WUT student has an email and is welcome use the Office 365 apps.
  17. [update 03/04] What if my internet connection is to weak to take part in the online classes? Please use the materials provided by the lecturers and consult with them via e-mail. Lecturers were asked to be flexible in this regard.
  18. [update 03/04] Will foreign students have to pay for their studies for the period when there are no classes? By 20 March 2020, heads of organizational units carrying out teaching activities will announce a list of lectures and classes which will be conducted remotely starting from 23 March 2020. Suspension of classes does not mean a break in studying, but only a change in its form. Decisions regarding suspending tution fees will be made soon.
  19. [update 09/04] Can research groups come to their rooms and workshops? It is recommended that students limit their visits to the University until 14 April 15 May 2020. This matters will be determined by the Deans of respective faculties.
  20. [update 19/03] What will happen to the student admission process? Will the deadlines for applying change? The application deadline for studies remains unchanged for the time being. We encourage you to follow the updates on the university website:
  21. [update 03/04] What about admission? Please check International Students Office website.
  22. [update 09/04] What about Open Days and Juwenalia concerts? By 31 May 30 June 2020, courses and trainings are cancelled, as well as all events and conferences organized at the Warsaw University of Technology.
  23. What about dormitories? It is recommended to relocate residents of student accommodation who have their habitual residence on the territory of Poland by 15 March 2020 for the time of canceling teaching activities. Accommodation for the international students (full-time, Erasmus+, bilateral exchange, other exchanges) in WUT dormitories will be provided throughout the entire period of suspending of teaching activities. Students are obliged to follow closely safety regulations by staying in their places of accommodation and limiting their contacts with other people to essential minimum. Visits from external guests in student dormitories are prohibited.
  24. [update 03/04] Does the University plan to use dormitories as quarantine facilities? If so, will it be possible to come back and collect our belongings? We do not intend to do this and we do not have information at the moment that this is planned. However, not everything depends on the University. If the government decides to use dormitories in this way, we will be obliged to adapt. We will of course inform you about the possibility of coming back and collecting belongings. For now, please do not worry about things left in your rooms - they are safe.
  25. [update 07/04] Will students who left the dormitories have to pay their dorm fees for the period when they are at their habitual residence on the territory of Poland? Students who left their dormitories and informed the dorm administration about it are entitled to pay reduced fee. Learn more here.

II. General staff-related matters

  1. Does WUT allow for research in laboratories? Scientific and research activities may be conducted in accordance with appropriate prevention principles in the event of an epidemiological threat in line with the recommendations of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
  2. [update 09/04] What will happen to business trips and domestic journeys — in relation to the costs already incurred? Who can be contacted in relation to this matter? Pursuant to the Decision No. 23/2020 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology of 8 April 2020 amending the Decision No. 16/2020 of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology of 11 March 2020, all foreign and domestic business trips of employees, PhD students and students of the Warsaw University of Technology are suspended.
  3. What are the recommendations for employees? Minimization of direct employee contact is recommended. In order to ensure communication, it is recommended that e-mail correspondence and phone contact be used. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly; do not greet others with a handshake. You are recommended to avoid touching your face, especially the areas surrounding your mouth, nose and eyes. The World Health Organization does not recommend wearing protective face masks for healthy people. Protective face masks should be worn by infected persons, caregivers and medical staff working with patients with suspected coronavirus infection. You will find more recommendations by going to this website:
  4. Is remote working for employees possible? When will it be possible? For whom? In order to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 virus from spreading, the head of an organizational unit may instruct an employee to perform the work specified in the employment contract outside of the place of its permanent performance, for a specified time, hereinafter referred to as “remote work”. Employees whose nature of work allows them to perform work duties from home can use this possibility. More information.
  5. Are employees’ working hours being changed? The decision to change the hours and forms of work performance shall be made by the head of the organizational unit.

III. General matters related to the functioning of the University

  1. Will disinfectants be delivered to the offices? When will this happen? Yes, they will be provided by 18 March 2020.
  2. [update 19/03] Will the access to WUT buildings be limited, e.g. in the case of visits to the Main Building? For the time being, the Main Building as well as other buildings of the Warsaw University of Technology are open, although access to those buildings might be limited. 

IV. Contact persons

If you can't find an answer for your question, please contact us at

24/7 helpline of the National Health Fund (NFZ): 800 190 590 (press 6 for English)

V. Important websites Chief Sanitary Inspectorate: Website of the Republic of Poland:

VI. Important information and recommendations

Information of the Chief Sanitary Inspector for tertiary education institutions regarding the potential risk of coronavirus infection

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