Cross-sector talks on the construction of a Polish battery factory

Photo of the participants of the talks at the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology

Participants of the talks at the Faculty of Chemistry at Warsaw University of Technology

The idea of building a factory in Poland to produce sodium-ion batteries was discussed during a meeting at the Warsaw University of Technology by representatives of the government, science and business.

Dr Piotr Dziadzio – Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Climate and Environment, Dr Przemysław Ligenza – Chief National Geologist, President of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, as well as representatives of the Consortium of Electrochemical Energy Storage (PolStorEn), discussed actions that need to be taken in order to implement the idea of building a factory to produce sodium-ion cells (batteries). The role of the scientific community and, above all, the possibilities of cooperation between all parties, were also discussed. The event was hosted by Prof. Władysław Wieczorek, Dean of WUT’s Faculty of Chemistry.

The Consortium of Electrochemical Energy Storage (PolStorEn) was established in 2018. Its founding members are: Warsaw University of Technology (leader), University of Warsaw, AGH University of Science and Technology, Jagiellonian University, Poznań University of Technology, the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Poznań, and Gdańsk University of Technology. PoStorEn focuses on developing and implementing innovative solutions in the field of energy storage, and is an expression of the consolidation of the scientific community, government and battery industry representatives in the face of the challenges of electromobility.

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