During the Christmas market we collected PLN 23 620,50!

prof. Janusz Walo, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, also collected donations, photo: OPI

Thanks to your generosity, we will be able to finance several scholarships for the most talented students of the Warsaw University of Technology.

The Christmast market took place from 30th November to 2nd December 2017. During 3 days we were able to collect almost 24 000 PLN. Thank you for your presence, countless smiles and good hearts!

Our stand has been mastered by crowds of WUT students and employees. The most popular were colorful socks with the WUT logo. At the stand you could also find Wedel Christmas candy with WUT motif, ceramic Christmas tree pendants, WUT gloves and many more.

At the WUT stand everybody could meet special guest – prof. Janusz Walo, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs. Professor Walo signed special baubles which everyone could get after donation to the can.

See photos from the event.

The Christmas Market was organized and coordinated by the Office for Promotion and Information of the Warsaw University of Technology.

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