ENHANCE International Day

Picture of students

ENHANCE International Day will take place 27 May 2021 at 10.00.

Take part in the ENHANCE International Day, find out more about the ENHANCE project, partner universities and coming projects. Join us this Thursday, May 27, at 10:00.

ENHANCE International Day participants will have a chance to get to know students from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, learn more about studying in Spain and find out more about the ENHANCE project. The online event will be held on WebExPlatform (passcode: EID2021).

Event’s agenda:

  1. Opening - general presentation about ENHANCE project and partner universities.
  2. Universitat Politecnica de Valencia presentation by UPV students.
  3. Warsaw University of Technology presentation by International Students' Ambassador.
  4. A quiz about WUT and UPV.
  5. ENHANCE Language tandems project presentation.
  6. Closing.
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