No piece of wisdom goes to waste at the Chemical and Process Engineering Student Research Group (KN IChiP). The accumulated knowledge and experience pass from generation to generation of members. Perhaps, this is the key to the growing popularity of their annual multidisciplinary European Young Engineers Conference. We sat to talk about this event with Olga (Coordinator of the 8th EYEC), Justyna (Social Media Coordinator and Board Member of KN IChiP) and Hania (Logistics Coordinator).
EYEC seems to be quite a huge undertaking. Can you rely on the Faculty authorities for help?
O.: They are all positive about this initiative and, basically, each one of the deans has helped us with some or the other. Prof. Eugeniusz Molga, the Faculty Dean, officially authorized the conference and acted as our bridge between the Faculty and the Vice-Rector for Research. And it was actually Rector Bacewicz who opened our conference.
J.: Besides, if we have an important assignment to submit as the conference approaches, we have the permission to deliver it at a later date. The course teachers take a flexible approach on us and they appreciate our effort.
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