First Polish prototype of a VCSEL laser

Cross-section of a VSCEL structure

Cross-section of a VSCEL structure

A consortium of VIGO System, the Łódź University of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology is responsible for the development and production of the invention.

The team is carrying out a project to develop the technology and launch the production of gallium-arsenide (GaAs) and indium-phosphide (InP) III-V compound semiconductors, whose applications include the production of lasers (VCSELs), and to develop a proprietary technology for VCSEL production.

The project: “The production technology of innovative epitaxial structures and VCSEL laser devices of key importance to the advancement of photonics” is funded by a public grant of the National Centre for Research and Development under the “Path for Mazovia” Programme.

Towards serial production

The consortium has designed and produced a prototype of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) so far. This is the first device of that kind to be produced in Poland. Currently, VIGO System is in the process of launching serial production of semiconductors to be used in VCSEL laser production.

The following scientists of the Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Physics (Nanostructure Research Team) involved in the project: Michał Świniarski, Ph.D., Eng., Iwona Pasternak, Ph.D., M.Sc., and Prof. Mariusz Zdrojek, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng., are dealing with materials characterization of epitaxial layers forming the VCSEL structure. Their results will provide input for structure optimization processes. In addition, the WUT team is responsible for part of the VCSEL prototype structure processing.

The future of photonics

“VCSEL lasers, which are the focus of this research project, are the smallest coherent light emitters currently in use with a narrow emission spectrum, low threshold current and high-speed modulation as well as a relatively simple array manufacturing technology,” says Prof. Mariusz Zdrojek, Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. of the WUT Faculty of Physics. “VCSEL laser applications include short-range data transfer systems, LIDARs, ToF (Time-of-Flight) sensors, autonomous vehicles, robots and drones.”

Interestingly, the VCSEL laser market is one of the fastest growing areas of photonic devices. Standing at ca. $330 million in 2017, the worth of this market is estimated to grow tenfold by 2026.

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