Geoinformation researchers join forces

Photo of research group

The network consists of 24 research institutions, photo: WUT Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

The first session of the Research Council of the Geospatial Analysis Research Network after the appointment of all members has been held. The Warsaw University of Technology is the Network Leader.

The network is a voluntary association of entities (signatories of an agreement) interested in coordinating research, including the optimization of the use of research infrastructure in the GIScience research area. 24 entities from across Poland signed the agreement in 2020. The WUT Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography was the initiator the network.

Its objectives include efficient use of the research infrastructure owned by the parties to the agreement, including the IT infrastructure of the Centre for Scientific Geospatial Analysis created by the Warsaw University of Technology.

The Research Council of the network includes two WUT researchers from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography: dr hab. inż. Dariusz Gotlib, WUT Professor (President of the Council) and dr hab. inż. Robert Olszewski, WUT Professor.

Due to the pandemic, the first session of the Council on 25 February 2021 was held online on MS Teams. Formal issues were discussed and information about projects relevant for the network was shared. Mgr inż. Kamil Choromański of the WUT Faculty of Geodesy and

Cartography presented state-of-the-art technologies for processing geospatial data in the cloud (with special emphasis on containerization technology). 

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