Graphene camouflage

The material has a great potential for application in the stealth technology

The material has a great potential for application in the stealth technology

Our physicists have developed a nanocomposite graphene-based material, the unique properties of which may be used for military purposes. Their research results were published in the journal ”Optics Express”.

Thanks to advanced construction and structured surface, the material has ultralow reflection of electromagnetic waves in subteraherz radiation (radars, telecommunications), with a minimum reflectance of only 0.12% (for ca. 100 GHz frequency). This is a record for composite materials.

If you also consider properties like low mass and flexibility, we get a material of great potential for application in the stealth technology. A key role is played here by, among other things, the ability to minimize the possibility of detection by the enemy’s radar systems. This advantage could be achieved by covering various military equipment (such as drones, planes or land vehicles) with the material described by physicists from the Warsaw University of Technology. The efficiency of the nanocomposite in combat is increased by one more property – independence of the polarization of electromagnetic waves.

The possibility of adjusting the unique properties of the material to specific needs makes it a breakthrough solution in the field of security and defence.

More about the solution developed by the team from the WUT Faculty of Physics can be learnt in the article


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