Improved QS ranking for WUT

Improved QS ranking for WUT

This is a ranking of the world’s top universities.

The Warsaw University of Technology ranked at 521–530 in the latest QS World University Ranking. This is an improvement as the previous three years saw it falling within the banded range of 601-650. 

The ranking lists 1000 top universities in the world, including 16 universities based in Poland. The Warsaw University of Technology ranks third in this group. The higher-ranking Poland’s entrants are the Jagiellonian University (338th) and the University of Warsaw (349th). Other Poland’s universities are in positions 801–1000.

The ranking’s top 3 are all US-based universities. These are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University and Harvard University, respectively. Europe’s top university is the UK’s University of Oxford placing 4th.

The QS WUR is based on six criteria: academic reputation; employer reputation, faculty-student ratio, citations per paper; international student ratio; and international faculty ratio. The ranking is compiled by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a company specialising in education and international studies.

The QS WUR is one of the four key world education rankings, the other being the Times Higher Education, the Shanghai Ranking and the U-Multirank.

For full ranking results visit the Top Universities website.

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