Inauguration ceremony of the academic year 2024/2025

In the photo, the Main Hall with a set-up wall and arranged chairs – prepared for the inauguration of the 2024/2025 academic year

The Main Hall is almost ready for the inauguration ceremony

On October 1, at 10.00, in the Main Building of WUT

Ahead of us are months of learning, work, challenges and emotions – we are entering the new academic year, the first in the 2024-2028 term of office. We will celebrate its beginning on October 1 at 10.00 in the Main Building of the Warsaw University of Technology. You are invited to join us live or online.

It seems the last inauguration was just a moment ago. And now we are in for the next one. Is there a better proof that life, also at university, is flying by? We will stop for a moment to celebrate the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year – a special one, since it is the beginning of the new term of office of WUT authorities. This will be a great opportunity to summarise and present plans.

In our beautiful Main Hall we will meet with WUT students, doctoral candidates and staff, as well as invited guests. The host will be Professor Krzysztof Zaremba, who continues his mission as Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology. Then we will listen to occasional speeches. A focal point of the inauguration ceremony will be matriculation – official admission to the community of students. Representatives of all WUT faculties will take the oath and receive their congratulations letters. We will also see the students’ and doctoral candidates’ perspectives – at the celebration, the President of the Students’ Union and the President of the Doctoral Students Council will give speeches. The first lecture in the new academic year, "Explainable artificial intelligence: from methods to new observations", will be given by Professor Wojciech Samek. 

Inauguration ceremony programme:

  • national anthem,
  • welcome address,
  • inauguration speech by Professor Krzysztof Zaremba,
  • occasional speeches,
  • matriculation,
  • Gaude Mater Polonia,
  • speech by the WUT Students’ Union President,
  • speech by the WUT Doctoral Students Council President,
  • inauguration lecture by prof. Wojciech Samek "Explainable artificial intelligence: from methods to new observations",
  • Gaudeamus igitur.


Information about faculty inaugurations can be found on faculty websites.

The calendar of the new academic year can be found on the WUT website

On 6 October at 20.30 in the Holy Saviour’s Church at Plac Zbawiciela in Warsaw there will be a holy mass to celebrate the inauguration of the academic year at WUT.

After the celebrations, we will face academic everyday life – hopefully filled with creative energy and free from worries. 

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