Interstudent 2017 - waiting for candidates

An increasing number of international students choose Poland as their education destination. Currently this group numbers over 57 000. They have become an integral part of the Polish academic environment. The INTERSTUDENT competition is the first initiative fully focused on the international student community in Poland.

In the previous year, the Polish universities nominated 130 candidates for the INTERSTUDENT contest. Among them there were Ukrainians, Belarussians, Indians, candidates from Armenia, China, Egypt, Georgia, Spain, Israel, Canada, Kenya, South Korea, Namibia, Russia, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Syria, and Italy.

The INTERSTUDENT competition is aimed at international students in Poland at the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral level. Both foreign nationals and students with dual citizenship are eligible. Candidates should be active in such fields as culture, social life, ecology or sports and promote multicultural ideas among their peers. They are also expected to be in a good academic standing.

Candidates for INTERSTUDENT 2017 contest can be submitted by professors, tutors, university authorities, international offices, student governments, as well as candidate’s colleagues.

Deadline for applications: January 10th, 2017

The results of the INTERSTUDENT 2017 contest will be announced in Krakow on February 27, 2017 at the annual conference “Foreign students in Poland 2017”.

The INTERSTUDENT Competition is organized by Perspektywy Educational Foundation within "Study in Poland" programme.

Honorary Patronage: Professor Jan Szmidt, President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP)

Partners: Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP), Polish Students Parliament, Poland’s PhD Students Union (KRD)

More about the contest

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