Interstudent 2020

Mikhail Urmich during the Interstudent 2020 award ceremony, photo: BPI

Mikhail Urmich during the Interstudent 2020 award ceremony, photo: BPI

Mikhail Urmich wins a special prize

During the “Foreign Students in Poland 2020” conference organized by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, Lodz University of Technology and the “Perspektywy” Education Foundation, the results of the 10th Interstudent competition for the best foreign student in Poland were announced. A special prize was awarded to Mikhail Urmich from Uzbekistan, a fourth-year Computer Science student at Warsaw University of Technology.

The prize was awarded for social integration and professional activity. In the academic year 2017/2018, Mikhail Urmich was named the best foreign student at the WUT Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science and received the Dean’s scholarship on this account. Since 2017, he has been actively involved in the work of the foreign students office at the WUT Center for International Cooperation – his responsibilities include promoting studies at WUT, he also looks after newly enrolled international students as a volunteer. Apart from his activity at the University, the Interstudent competition winner also works as a software engineer.

Congratulations and best wishes for success!

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