In the German city of Darmstadt, a device is being constructed that will help in the study of matter and the evolution of the universe. Thanks to the Get_involved internship program, our students, postgraduates, and researchers will participate in the international project.
The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is one of the largest research projects in the world. The initiator of the accelerator is the German Society for Heavy Ion Research (GSI). The facility will use antiprotons and ions to perform research in the fields of: nuclear, hadron and particle physics, atomic and anti-matter physics, high density plasma physics, as well as applications in condensed matter physics, biology and the bio-medical sciences.
Working in close collaboration with astronomers, the FAIR researchers will examine the processes responsible for the production of matter in the universe. Gigantic planets and stars, as well as star explosions and collisions, expose matter to very high temperatures, pressures, and densities. FAIR will allow researchers to recreate such conditions in the laboratory – for the first time, it will be possible to do under terrestrial conditions.
The complex will consist of four main pillars: NUSTAR – NUclear STructure, Astrophysics and Reactions, APPA – Atomic, Plasma, Physics and Applications, PANDA – antiProton ANnihilation at Darmstadt, CBM / HADE – Compressed Baryonic Matter / High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer.
Researchers from the Warsaw University of Technology, specifically from the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, are already participating in experiments conducted at the FAIR/GSI center.
Thanks to the agreement signed with the center regarding the Get_involved internship program, our students, postgraduates, and researchers will now complete internships in Darmstadt that will last between three to six months. They will enhance their competence in the field of research conducted in the FAIR/GSI laboratory.
– Although we expect the FAIR to launch in 2028, the benefits of the signed contract are immediate. We participate in multiple start-up projects, and there is never a shortage of tasks – concludes Prof. Hanna Zbroszczyk from the Faculty of Physics, coordinator of the CBM and HADES experiments in Poland and the Get involved program at the WUT.