Letter from the Rector

The Main Building

Please read some words from our Rector.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear colleagues!

It follows from government announcements, including those from the Chief Sanitary Inspector (GIS), and measures taken by state authorities, that we are about to face a tough period in the fight against the coronavirus.

The Warsaw University of Technology is a very large institution which, in view of the scope, diversity and nature of its activities, cannot be closed down.

I am requesting all employees, students and doctoral candidates to follow the rules communicated in the announcements of state and local authorities, and especially the recommendations of the GIS, having in mind both public interest, in particular that of our Alma Mater, and common sense.

I would also like to ask you to:

  • minimise any direct contact with other people, restricting yourselves to business contacts only,
  • work and contact one another remotely whenever possible – with the knowledge and consent of your superiors, of course (the exact approach is to be decided by heads of units),
  • as far as possible, especially in the case of non-academic staff (NAS), rotate on duty, ensuring business continuity across all units,
  • take special precautions in workplaces with a particularly high exposure to personal contact (dormitories, porter’s lodges, secretariats etc.), ensuring appropriate conditions and a safe distance between people in contact (mark the safe distance, for instance using tape on floors, and display clear information about the safe distance rule; if possible, use transparent screens in such workplaces, even makeshift ones).

While entrusting the heads of units of the Technical University of Warsaw with the responsibility to implement these rules as far as necessary and possible, I urge everyone to remain calm and to use common sense. Moreover, I request you to communicate our rules in advance to any outside visitors (accepted where necessary and only on official business) in these times of hardship.

And please take care of our seniors and vulnerable individuals. They should be provided with safe and comfortable working conditions in the first place. We should also remember about retirees, let’s contact them and help them where possible.

Once again, I encourage and request all academic staff (AS) to provide distance education to our students and doctoral candidates in a variety of forms, including remote lectures, consultations etc., and students to undertake intensified self-education efforts in line with recommendations from course leaders. Continued education in every possible form is very important for the functioning of Warsaw University of Technology in its fundamental teaching capacity. Let’s treat this task as a challenge, an opportunity to develop new education methods and a chance to keep the schedule of the academic year unchanged.

Dear students and doctoral candidates, this is a difficult time for us employees, and especially for you. Closing of dormitories is often a serious life problem for you. We understand that, but according to medical services, it is necessary in order to stop and eliminate the pandemic, and above all for your safety. In this way, we protect you and our general academic community. Let’s make every effort together to ensure that the process is efficient and spread in time as far as possible, considering your individual life circumstances. I am positive that if we all acknowledge the situation and demonstrate kindness to one another, those difficult processes will run smoothly, to the benefit of us all.

Please follow our general announcements and the WUT website (https://www.pw.edu.pl/engpw/News/Update) for any local updates and possible orders and decisions of the Rector or authorised persons, in particular the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.

We all want this to end as soon as possible, allowing us to return to our normal working conditions, especially with respect to education, which is every university’s core mission.

The Rector
Professor Jan Szmidt 

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