Please read the letter.
Dear Colleagues and Students,
the present epidemic situation in the mazovieckie voivodship and in Poland, the state of epidemic introduced in the whole territory of Poland and the changes in the safety regulations to be introduced as of Saturday, 27 March, as announced by the Prime Minister, force our academic community to undertake extraordinary safety precautions.
I am therefore asking you to make every effort to maintain the functioning of the University, with the health and safety of all employees seen as a priority.
I expect that until 11 April, heads of basic and university-wide organizational units and central administration will use the possibility of delegating their subordinates to remote work. Should in-person form of work be necessary, work-rotation schemes should be introduced. I recommend as few visits to the University buildings as possible and I also recommend communication and dealing with daily business in the remote mode, using internal email accounts.
I encourage you to follow the news published on the website, which I will use for ongoing communication with our community.
Fearing a prolonged epidemic crisis in Poland, I am asking academic teachers and students to prepare to switch to a fully remote teaching mode at our University.
I would like to thank you for your sacrifice and understanding. I believe that through responsible compliance with the safety regulations generally applicable in Poland, we will together go through this difficult time of the pandemic and rise to the challenges we are facing.
Professor Krzysztof Zaremba
Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology