Meetings for foreigners at WUT

Meetings for foreigners at WUT

About 50 WUT students took part in a meeting listening to the lecture and asking questions, photo: BPI

The Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with other municipal institutions has started the first edition of the series of the monthly meetings for foreign students of WUT. The aim of the project is to familiarize international students with Polish tradition and customs and make their time in Poland even more enjoyable and profitable.

Because of the importance of the security, and some differences in Polish and other countries’ laws,  the first meeting was devoted to the safety and security in Poland. The meeting was held on the 19th of October.

Together with the special guest  - the police officer from the Municipal Police Headquarter, we were talking about the most important and useful aspects of the Polish law like basic rules and regulations, appurtenances, road safety, drivers licenses from different countries, IDs or ways of calling for help.

About 50 WUT students took part in a meeting listening to the lecture and asking questions. Their engagement shows the importance of this kind of meetings. Even though information concerning security is public and easy to access to, it is important to arrange a meeting with a specialist.

Next meeting will be held on November.

More information soon on the:

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