The EU Civil Protection Mechanism calls on all participating member states to implement a national methodology of risk assessment for the purpose of critical infrastructure protection. WUT’s Faculty of Management took part in the preparation of such a document.
Up to now, the methodology practiced in Poland was based on preparing and updating a directory of types of critical events and guidelines on how to act when they happen. The team from the Faculty of Management offered a new approach which was accepted by other members of the consortium and the beneficiary of the project - the Government Centre for Security.
It is an open approach:
Risk management should be analyzed in many aspects, particularly:
The analytical part of the risk management process comprises three parts:
Identification of risks and threats which indicate potential risk
Analysis of the essence of identified risk
Risk assessment
The aim of this research paper is to show how in risk management, as part of crisis management, you can go to the third level using the previous stages.
This research project would not be possible without the academic achievements of the Management Faculty connected with operational risk management, of which its specificity of risk and management is quite similar and ,therefore, we can employ analogical conduct.
Theoretical basics from the management area of science used as methodological assumptions lead on one hand to the idea of a problem triad 'operational risk- resource security- continuity of action', and on the other hand to process assumption, especially with permanent improvement of the process in organizing the cycle of risk management.
In the operational approach we used the foresight convention, underlining the steering role of local administration organs responsible for crisis management and the role of experts who come from various local communities who require support and public security. Foresight underlines the importance of the analytical teams appointed by the stakeholders.
The main results of this project are the methodology of risk management and information system supporting it in the scope of records and knowledge management.
There will be a need for methodological planning of the next steps of crisis management in the future ie. public security and crisis response politics.
WUT’s Faculty of Management
Methodology of risk assessment for the purpose of crisis management system in the Republic of Poland.
Project financed by The National Centre for Research and Development as part of the competition on security and defense (ID 193751, worth 6,5 mln zł) realized by a Consortium: the Centre of Research on Fire Protection named after Józef Tuliszkowski – the national Research Institute, Medcore Ltd., The Main School of Fire Service, the Security Department of the National Defence University and WUT’s Faculty of Management.
The team from WUT’s Faculty of Management working on this project were: mgr inż. Urszula Kąkol, dr inż. Anna Kosieradzka, prof. dr hab. inż. Wiesław Kotarba, prof. dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Krupa, mgr Marcin Marczewski, dr inż. Teresa Ostrowska, dr inż. Katarzyna Rostek, mgr inż. Justyna Smagowicz, mgr inż. Anna Uklańska, mgr inż. Michał Wiśniewski, the manager of the project dr hab. inż. Janusz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki.