Microwave and Radar Week 2020

Microwave and Radar Week 2020

Microwave and Radar Week 2020

On October 5-7, 2020, the Microwave and Radar Week conference will be held at the Warsaw University of Technology.

The conference takes place as part of four events: International Microwave and Radar Conference MIKON; IRS International Radar Symposium; Baltic URSI Symposium; TS Signal Processing Workshop. The conferences are devoted to the latest problems related to radio technology, documentation, radar and data processing engineering. Due to the rapid technological development, these areas gain more and more importance in civil and military applications, also in technical and economic terms. During the conference over 180 papers will be presented.

For the first time in history the conference will be held in hybrid mode. Participants who will not be able to participate in person due to COVID-19 situation will be able to participate on-line. Detailed information about the conference can be found at the MRW2020 website.

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