Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland condemns all acts of discrimination concerning faith, origins, nationality or sex. The attitude of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MSHE) to the situation of the international students in Poland
Below one can find a courtesy translation of the statement.
MSHE considers that single acts of discrimination, happening episodically, are only ignominious exceptions and not the common casus. Every act of discrimination should be immediately reported to the appropriate public service, responsible for respecting rights.
MSHE stays in touch with Ministry of the Interior and Administration and monitors all cases. We would like to draw attention to the fact that in the previous academic year, according to the Central Statistical Office of Poland, there were over 57 thousands of international students in Poland.The increase in the number of the international students in Poland is one of the fastest in the world (20% per year). Thanks to the positive opinions of international alumni of Polish universities, who after studies came back to the origin country, Poland is getting more interesting as a place to study for others.
At the same time it is worth to notice that Poland is perceived as a safe and attractive country – as well financial as cultural, what is confirmed by international reports. According to the latest International Student Satisfaction Report (September 2016), developed by StudyPortals, Poland took third please in Europe (right after Norway and Ireland). It is worth underlining that the report was based on circa sixteen thousand opinions given by international students of 2015/16 about different countries. Students appreciated mainly good ambience in universities and cities and openness of the society.
As a priority, MSHE points out internationalisation. The Ministry organises and takes part in various events concerning internationalisation and focuses on the integration of non-residents and creates adequate conditions for studying and learning in Poland.
The example of such activities could be the conference “Internationalization – a chance and a challenge for Polish academies that took place at the University of Rzeszów in 20-21 of September. During the conference representatives of Ministry, academic society and experts from abroad discussed good practices in the integration of international students. MSHE invites to Poland students and lecturers from abroad.
Prof. Aleksander Bobko
Secretary of State
The original version of the statement is available on the Ministry’s website.