Move up QS EECA ranking for WUT

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WUT Main Building

The Warsaw University of Technology has been ranked 14th in the Emerging Europe and Central Asia university ranking. This is a one-spot improvement on the last year’s ranking.

This year’s listing covered 354 universities (last year it was 300), including 25 universities in Poland (two additions to the previous year’s representation). Out of the Polish universities, the Warsaw University of Technology came in third, outdone only by the Jagiellonian University (6th place) and the University of Warsaw (7th place).

Topping the QS EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) ranking are universities in Russia. The top 3 are: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Saint-Petersburg State University and Novosibirsk State University, respectively.

The QS EECA (Emerging Europe and Central Asia) ranking is based on 10 metrics. These are: academic reputation; employer reputation, faculty-student ratio, papers per faculty; global outlook; web impact; staff with PhD; citations per paper; international student ratio; and international faculty ratio.

Apparently, employer reputation is the greatest strength of our University; WUT has been placed fourth on this metric.

The QS EECA  ranking has been published since 2014. The ranking is compiled by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a company specializing in education and international studies. They put together the overall QS World University Rankings and a number of regional and subject rankings.

For the full ranking, please visit the Top Universities website

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