#MyQuaranTime competition is for all international students of Warsaw University of Technology. The rules are simple: record a 40-60 second short movie showing your studies at home, during the quarantine and send a link to download your short video to MyQuaranTime.cwm@pw.edu.pl using one of the file transfer services, e.g. wetransfer.com, dropbox.com, drive.google.com, etc. The deadline to send the movie is 10th May (23:59 CET).
On 12th May, all movies which comply with the rules of the competition will be published on facebook.com/myquarantime profile, and it will be possible to vote by pressing the "like" (any icon) button under the selected movie. Voting is public and will last till 17th May.
Depending on the number of "likes", three movies will be awarded vouchers to the online shop of our University!