Next European Young Engineers Conference in April

Eliza Grzymkowska during last EYEC

In the beginning, they have an idea to create such an event during which young scientists will be able to present themselves without much experience and a lot of publications on the account. Now the European Young Engineers Conference is a recognized brand. This year, the conference will be held for the seventh time, from 23 to 25 April 2018.

The idea of European Young Engineers Conference arrived in the year 2011, during Students Scientific Club meeting. They were wondering, how to provide a new, attractive and easy way for the exchange of knowledge and experience among young people.

In order to ensure participants an even higher level of the conference, students of the Scientific Society of Chemical and Process Engineering from WUT since 2015 have established cooperation with the Young Science Foundation which supports the organization of the event.

During EYEC, participants take part in oral presentations, poster sessions and open discussions about future and trends of chemical and process engineering, as well as related fields, like bioprocess engineering, material engineering, environment protection, nanotechnologies, nanomaterials and so on.

In addition to oral presentations and accompanying discussions, young scientists also take part in poster sessions. They also have the opportunity to hear speeches of special guests.

All events take place at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Process of the Warsaw University of Technology.

More details about the event you can find on conference’s website.


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