Operating Room Simulator – A State-of-the-art Laboratory at WUT

The research station was established as part of a project funded by The National Centre for Research and Development

The research station was established as part of a project funded by The National Centre for Research and Development

A state-of-the-art Operating Room Simulation Laboratory has been established at WUT’s Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering. It is one of three unique and best-equipped research centers of this kind in Europe.

The laboratory is equipped with advanced apparatus that allows for precise simulations of operating room conditions. It includes equipment for measuring both physiological parameters of the human body and environmental parameters. Additionally, the station features three thermal mannequins that emit heat into the surrounding environment, as well as specialized equipment.

The research station was established as part of the project titled “Influence of Airflow Patterns in the Operating Field on the Risk of Unintentional Perioperative Hypothermia in Patients,” funded by The National Centre for Research and Development. The research is led by a team of experts under the guidance of Prof. Anna Bogdan. The project is carried out in collaboration with physicians and specialists who make up the Advisory Council for the research team.

Research conducted in the laboratory could lead to revolutionary changes in the approach to air conditioning in operating rooms. The solutions developed as part of the project have the potential to significantly reduce the risk of postoperative complications related to patient hypothermia and airborne infections, thereby considerably shortening patients' hospital stays.

Sources: klimatyzacjawszpitalach.plwww.wprost.pl, presentation on the laboratory titled “WUT’s High-Tech Laboratory: Operating Room Simulator.”

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