Our University is part of the National Coordinate Metrology Network

Laboratory of coordinate metrology at the Faculty of Mechatronics of the Warsaw University of Technology

Laboratory of Coordinate Metrology at the Faculty of Mechatronics, WUT

Four Poland’s technical universities, including the Warsaw University of Technology, are setting up the National Coordinate Metrology Network, a world-class scientific network and research center.

The primary aim of the project is to build a specialized research infrastructure for the development of coordinate metrology in Poland. This is a scientific area that deals with 3D measurement and imaging of any geometric objects.

The National Coordinate Metrology Network will enable highly accurate measurements of the geometry of inner structures and external objects measured on nano- to large-sized scales. This will support a variety of scientific and industrial fields from advanced optics through medicine, mechanical engineering and mechatronics to power engineering.

The universities involved in the project are: the Cracow University of Technology (leader) and its partners: the Poznań University of Technology, Warsaw University of Technology and Kielce University of Technology.

Photo: Archives of the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Coordinate Metrology

A Laboratory of Ultra-Precise Coordinate Measurements (a project implemented by the Cracow University of Technology) and a Multi-scale Laboratory of Coordinate Measuring Technology (at the Poznań University of Technology) will be set up as part of the undertaking. Scientists of the Warsaw University of Technology and Kielce University of Technology will be involved in research proposed in the agenda.

At our University, the Project Lead is dr inż. Tomasz Kowaluk of the Faculty of Mechatronics. By being part of the project, WUT faculty will have free access to highly specialized measuring equipment worth ca. PLN 40 million in total. The first two years will see upgrades to the premises and purchases of measuring instruments. During the project sustainability phase (the subsequent 5 years), research will be carried out with the involvement of WUT faculty.

The project “NSMET – National Coordinate Metrology Network” is implemented under the Smart Growth Operational Programme (Measure 4.2 “Development of modern research infrastructure of the science sector”) and will continue until the end of 2022.

More about the project can be found on the websites of OPI-PIB and the Cracow University of Technology.

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