Our graduates are the best robot integrators in Europe

Photo of Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk with Polish flag

The 8th edition of the EuroSkills competition took place in Gdańsk on 5-9 September 2023, source: euroskills 2023.org

Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk, graduates of the Warsaw University of Technology, won the EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023 competition in the "Integration of industrial robots" category.

– The biggest challenge of this year's competition was a rather unusual task. In previous years, these were usually pick-and-place operations, but this year it was polishing – admits Piotr Wyrzyk.

The participants programmed the process of grinding elements with different geometries. It was important to use software functions dedicated to modelling and designing robotic workspaces. The quality of the polishing process, a system’s low susceptibility to errors, its error handling, as well as speed of implementation were evaluated.

Photo of Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk during competition

10 teams from 10 countries competed in the "Integration of industrial robots" competition, source: euroskills 2023.org

– The atmosphere during the competition was great. It was a very big event that we’ll surely remember for a long time. Winning competitions in Poland, where our families and friends support us, is an amazing feeling – says Hubert Krasuski.

The biennial EuroSkills competition is Europe’s largest event related to vocational education and skills development. This year, about 600 competitors from 32 countries competed in 43 disciplines.

Photo of Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk during competition

Hubert Krasuski and Piotr Wyrzyk (left to right), source: euroskills 2023.org

In 2024, the international WorldSkills competition will take place in Lyon, France. We hope that the two graduates from the Faculty of Mechatronics will repeat their success from Gdańsk.

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